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1st Grade Math 2009
Hauen laguntzarekin: LaFave
  • 1. smaller; a number less than the other
A) fewer
B) equal
C) same
  • 2. a math sentence using numbers and symbols
A) graph
B) fact family
C) number sentence
  • 3. a symbol that means more than
A) less than
B) greater than
C) equal
  • 4. to look at how things are alike or different
A) compare
B) sort
C) solve
  • 5. a drawing used to record information
A) group
B) digit
C) graph
  • 6. a larger number or amount
A) equal
B) more
C) exactly
  • 7. get bigger
A) increase
B) behind
C) regroup
  • 8. get smaller
A) altogether
B) decrease
C) below
  • 9. a symbol that means fewer
A) less than
B) equal
C) greater than
  • 10. to find out the size, length or weight of something
A) regroup
B) measure
C) solve
  • 11. The number that follows another number
A) before
B) after
C) coin
  • 12. Combining two or more numbers
A) sum
B) difference
C) altogether
  • 13. The number that is in front of another number
A) below
B) before
C) after
  • 14. When and object is in back of another
A) behind
B) decrease
C) before
  • 15. When an object is under another object
A) before
B) above
C) below
  • 16. A round form of money
A) size
B) coin
C) digit
  • 17. The find the answer to a subtraction problem
A) measure
B) addition
C) difference
  • 18. A number
A) pattern
B) graph
C) digit
  • 19. The same
A) equal
B) size
C) sum
  • 20. When you change an addition problem to a subtraction problem
A) fact family
B) measure
C) decrease
  • 21. A line in which points are matched to numbers
A) graph
B) number sentence
C) number line
  • 22. Numbers or objects that repeat in size, shape, and color
A) graph
B) pattern
C) size
  • 23. To do the same thing again
A) increasing
B) repeat
C) greater than
  • 24. alike
A) equal
B) more
C) same
  • 25. groups
A) digit
B) sets
C) sum
  • 26. measuring how big or small something is
A) decreasing
B) size
C) greater than
  • 27. to find the answer
A) solve
B) decrease
C) graph
  • 28. To take away
A) addition
B) same
C) subtraction
  • 29. The whole amount
A) sum
B) equal
C) before
  • 30. To combine two or more numbers or objects
A) addition
B) graph
C) subtraction
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