Fixing Incorrect Scientific Notation When d ≥ 10 or d < 1. 35 × 105 = 3.5 × 106 0.026 × 105 = 2.6 × 103 Fixing Incorrect Scientific Notation: 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) Step 1 500 × 109 (5 × 102) × 109 5 × 102+9 5 × 1011 Step 2 Fixing Incorrect Scientific Notation: 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) Step 1 40 × 10-5 (4 × 101) × 10-5 4 × 101+-5 4 × 10-4 Step 2 Fixing Incorrect Scientific Notation: 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) Step 1 0.008 × 106 (8 × 10-3) × 106 8 × 10-3+6 8 × 103 Step 2 Fixing Incorrect Scientific Notation: 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) Step 1 0.5 × 10-8 (5 × 10-1) × 10-8 5 × 10-1+-8 5 × 10-9 Step 2 Fixing Incorrect Scientific Notation: 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) Step 1 5,400 × 104 (5.4 × 103) × 104 5.4 × 103+4 5.4 × 107 Step 2 Fixing Incorrect Scientific Notation: 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) Step 1 1,600 × 10-9 (1.6 × 103) × 10-9 1.6 × 103+-9 1.6 × 10-6 Step 2 Fixing Incorrect Scientific Notation: 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) Step 1 0.0079 × 105 (7.9 × 10-3) × 105 7.9 × 10-3+5 7.9 × 102 Step 2 Fixing Incorrect Scientific Notation: 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) Step 1 0.92 × 10-9 (9.2 × 10-1) × 10-9 9.2 × 10-1+-9 9.2 × 10-10 Step 2 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 3,000 × 106 ( × 10 ) × 106 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 1,000 × 10-5 ( × 10 ) × 10-5 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 0.005 × 104 ( × 10 ) × 104 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 0.05 × 10-8 ( × 10 ) × 10-8 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 78 × 106 ( × 10 ) × 106 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 36 × 10-9 ( × 10 ) × 10-9 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 0.0055 × 109 ( × 10 ) × 109 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 0.34 × 10-3 ( × 10 ) × 10-3 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 571 × 105 ( × 10 ) × 105 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 375.8 × 10-9 ( × 10 ) × 10-9 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 0.006887 × 109 ( × 10 ) × 109 × 10 1. Write the decimal part in scientific notation PRACTICE 2. Multiply the powers of ten (add the exponents) 0.005045 × 10-5 ( × 10 ) × 10-5 × 10 |