Bibliothèque de tests publics
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EnseignantTitre du testType de testDate d'édition
Haigler, Sarah -
Add & subtract decimals checkpoint (15)Diapositives2015.09.24
Adding fractions checkpoint (10)Diapositives2016.11.21
Comparing integers practice (10)Diapositives2016.09.15
Dividing decimals checkpoint (12)Choix multiples2015.10.16
Dividing fractions checkpoint (10)Choix multiples2016.11.28
Dividing whole numbers (10)Choix multiples2016.09.15
Estimating fraction sums and differences (14)Diapositives2013.12.17
Integer and rational number review Standard (26)Diapositives2017.09.27
Integer operations (20)Diapositives2016.09.13
Integer Review (30)Choix multiples2017.10.31
Multiplying decimals checkpoint (12)Choix multiples2014.10.20
Multiplying Fractions Checkpoint (12)Choix multiples2018.09.17
Percent checkpoint tag (14)Diapositives2016.11.28
Pre-requisite skills review (26)Diapositives2015.08.25
Subtracting fractions checkpoint (12)Diapositives2016.11.21