Bibliothèque de tests publics
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EnseignantTitre du testType de testDate d'édition
Levang, Michael - Scott Highlands
Africa N. Political Base (2)Diapositives2009.05.21
Africa N. Political Bonus (2)Diapositives2009.05.21
Africa n. political wygiwyg (2)Diapositives2013.04.04
Africa Physical & S Pol. Base (3)Diapositives2010.04.28
Africa Physical and S Pol Bonus (3)Diapositives2010.04.28
Africa Physical and S Pol WYGIWYG (3)Diapositives2010.04.28
Australia practice test (4)Diapositives2012.05.24
Canada cities (5)Diapositives2012.10.05
Economic systems ii (3)Diapositives2012.10.17
Europe book Matching (10)Jumelage2009.02.20
Europe book Matching Choice Base Level 1 (23)Choix multiples2009.03.02
G bee 2013 (40)Choix multiples2014.12.04
Global final (100)Choix multiples2010.09.13
Industrialization & immigration part 7 (26)Réponse courte2011.10.18
Landforms (1)Diapositives2010.11.15
Latin and south america base (6)Diapositives2011.03.16
Latin and south america bonus (6)Diapositives2011.03.17
Latin and south america wygiwyg (6)Diapositives2011.03.16