Lorsque vous activez le mode de confidentialité élevée, vous pouvez utiliser thatquiz.org sans stocker aucune information personnelle.
What do we mean by that? If you
provide only the first name of a student (e.g. John) or initials (JK) or a pseudonym (Jumper) or a
student id number (982376), John's identity in the real world is unknown to us. Some more things to
- ThatQuiz does not record IP addresses in a way that could be linked to any
given teacher or student using the website. We don't know the physical locations
of individual people using the service. We don't know if a recorded grade has been submitted from
Ireland or Canada or Australia. This is true regardless of your privacy mode setting.
(Some IP addresses are logged temporarily in order to inform us of the general
geographic distribution of our visitors, but not in a way which would reveal the location
of a specific user.)
- ThatQuiz does not track students with cookies. Cookies are used only for teacher login
purposes, and are deleted as soon as a teacher logs out. This is also true regardless
of your privacy mode setting.
- In high privacy mode, email notification is disabled, to enhance student privacy.
- If concerned about privacy, teachers should use a non-identifying email address for their
own accounts. For example, you might avoid an email address that contains the name of
your school, because this reduces the anonymity of your students.
How do I turn on high privacy mode?
- Choose "Account Info" in your teacher menu.
- Check the box "Enable high privacy mode".
Can I use thatquiz.org and comply with FERPA and COPPA?
Yes, you can. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a United States
law concerning student records. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
concerns collection of information online. When you use thatquiz.org, you are storing some testing
records on an encrypted physical disc at a data center in Virginia, USA. Storage of those
records does not constitute disclosure to anyone. The teacher owning the account under
which those records are stored is the only person authorized to view them. By turning on
high privacy mode and using thatquiz.org in an anonymous way, you even avoid storing any
"directory" information about your students. While compliance with FERPA is ultimately the
responsibility of the teacher, thatquiz.org provides every teacher with the means to comply.
To illustrate: A teacher who turns off high privacy mode and uses ThatQuiz to email
student test results to a third party vendor outside the school system might be in violation of
FERPA. A teacher who turns on high privacy mode and uses ThatQuiz only for his or her own
record keeping and analysis is in compliance with both FERPA and COPPA.
What if my data is stolen?
ThatQuiz has never had a data breach to its knowledge. If the privacy of student data
is ever compromised, we'll disclose that immediately to every teacher who logs in.
You can also protect yourself from the risk of a data breach by using the service
anonymously. When you are in high privacy mode, here is an example of what stolen data
could reveal: Some student identified by "JK" completed a test, somewhere
in the world, on January 22 at 9:00 UTC, and received a grade of 85% after incorrectly
answering questions about fraction addition. (Or something similar.) This is not information
which is of high value. It does not identify JK as a student who sits
in your classroom five days a week, or even identify the country where JK attends school.
The last word
We aim to provide a great online assessment tool for anyone in the world who wants to use it.
We don't need to know anything about you or your students in order to do that.