Holes Ch. 11-20 Test
  • 1. Which character said " Excuse me, did I ask you when you last filled the canteens?”
A) Mr. Pendanski
B) Mr. Sir
C) The Warden
  • 2. In the book, the reference to Sesame Street is called a…
A) Simile
B) Flashback
C) Allusion
  • 3. Stanley admits he stole the sunflower seeds from Mr. Sir.
A) False
B) True
  • 4. What was X-Ray's reward for handing in the gold tube?
A) He got the rest of the day off and chose his dinner.
B) He got the rest of the day off and a drink from Mr. Sir's refrigerator.
C) He got the rest of the day off and a double shower.
  • 5. What did Zero say he preferred to do?
A) Dig holes
B) Play basketball
C) Read
  • 6. In the sentence, "The judge called Stanley's crime despicable." What does the word "despicable" mean?
A) Immature
B) Melancholy
C) Deserving hatred
  • 7. Why did X-Ray move Stanley up in the water line?
A) He looked very sad that day.
B) X-Ray noticed Stanley toughening up.
C) He gave him the gold tube.
  • 8. "Myra's head is as empty as a flowerpot." This is called a…
A) Allusion
B) Simile
C) Flashback
  • 9. Why was the Warden treating the campers so well?
A) She loved each boy like her own son.
B) She was a very nice person.
C) She wanted them to work really hard that day.
  • 10. Why did Stanley NOT have to worry about Zero reading over his shoulder?
A) Zero didn't care what Stanley was writing.
B) Zero was also writing a letter to his mother.
C) Zero couldn't read.
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