James Forten Reading Test
  • 1. What does the word dexterity mean
A) skill using hands
B) having no hands
C) give support for someone's effort or plans
D) helped
  • 2. How does the author show that Thomas Forten was skilled and hard-working?
A) he supported abolition and believed in educating African-Americans
B) he was a good worker; purchased his wife's freedom
C) it was not mentioned
D) Had several jobs to accomplish his goals
  • 3. Why does the author give information about Quaker Anthony Benezet?
A) Was the captain of the ship used to take Slaves to the West-Indies
B) Describe the people that James Forten knew
C) He was James Forten's Grandfather
D) He supported abolition and believed in educating African Americans to help them play meaningful roles in the colonies
  • 4. What does the author mean when he writes that the black soldiers seemed taller and blacker than any men James had ever seen?
A) It was odd for African American people to wear clean clothes where people could see them.
B) They showed great pride and strength
C) They showed weakness and lack of pride
D) It was the first time James seen black people
  • 5. Why does James Forten have reasons to be terrified when he is captured?
A) He was afraid to swim and didn't want to drown
B) There was a constant threat of free African Americans being captured and forced into enslavement.
C) There was no reason to be terrified
D) There was a constant threat of being shot
  • 6. Why did the author give so much detail about conditions on the prison ship?
A) The author wanted to show how happy the prisoners were
B) To give a clear idea of what James and the other colonial prisoners endured
C) The author wanted to create a nice picture for the reader
D) The information the author gave was not true
  • 7. How did James's friendship with Beasley's son help him?
A) James did not form a relationship with his son
B) Beasley's son did not help James
C) His friendship placed James on the prison ship
D) Beasley's son kept James from being placed on the slave ship bound for the West Indies
  • 8. Why did the author choose to tell Jame's Forten's story even though he didn't believe Forten was a hero?
A) Forten shows how ordinary people could make important contributions to American history, and how African Americans helped create the United States
B) The author wanted to show how weak James was
C) The author wanted to show that African Americans had very little importance in American history
D) The author wanted to show how luck will get you through
  • 9. On page 326, the word enslavement means:
A) the state of being owned and controlled by another person
B) people who betray their country
C) someone who works for another person in order to learn a trade
D) a disease transmitted by mosquitoes; its symptoms include high fever and vomiting
  • 10. On page 325, what does the word traitors mean?
A) prisoners
B) the lower inside part of the ship
C) people who betray their country
D) grim fear
  • 11. On page 320, what does the word tacking mean?
A) uncertain; hesitant
B) a cluster of small iron balls used as a cannon charge
C) changing directions while sailing
D) drawn into conflict or battle
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