Ratios and Rates - read questions carefully
  • 1. What is the ratio of cow legs to cows?
A) 4:1
B) 1:1
C) 2:2
D) 1:4
  • 2. A pie is cut in 4 pieces. Two slices are eaten. What is the ratio of eaten pieces to pieces left?
A) 1:4
B) 4:2
C) 1:1
D) 2:4
  • 3. A pie is cut into 4 pieces. Two slices are eaten. What is the ratio of eaten pieces to total pie pieces?
A) 1/4
B) 1/2
C) 2/1
D) 4/2
  • 4. Joe's class eats 3 chocolate chip cookies for every two sugar cookies eaten. How many sugar cookies were eaten if they ate 27 chocolate chip cookies? __ sugar cookies
A) 12
B) 18
C) 15
D) 24
  • 5. A horse is trotting at 8 mph. How are far will it go in 15 minutes? __ mile(s)
A) 6
B) 1
C) 4
D) 2
  • 6. Cindy's school is a 15 minute walk from home, but riding the bus takes only 8 minutes. How much time would she save by riding the bus to school for one week? __ minutes
A) 70
B) 35
C) 49
D) 98
  • 7. If a pickup can carry 1000 pounds, how many trips are needed to move two piles of dirt that weigh about 1450 pounds each? __ trips
A) 4
B) 3
C) 3.5
D) 4.5
  • 8. A car is driving at 52 mph. If it drives for 45 minutes, how far will it have gone? __ miles
A) 52
B) 26
C) unknown
D) 39
  • 9. If Suzy can paint a room wall in 20 minutes, how long would it take to paint two rooms? __ minutes
A) 20
B) 80
C) 160
D) 40
  • 10. A plane leaves L.A. at 11am flying 400 mph. If it flies until 3pm, how far will it be from L.A.? __ miles
A) 1200
B) 400
C) 1600
D) 800
  • 11. Ratio of raisins to nuts in the cookies is 4:2. How many total raisins would you expect to find in 7 cookies? __ raisins
A) unknown
B) 42
C) 14
D) 28
  • 12. Each cookie has only 1 blue M&M, but there are 7 total M&Ms on each cookie. How many non-blue M&Ms will there be on a dozen cookies? __ non-blue M&Ms
A) 12
B) 72
C) unknown
D) 60
  • 13. Mom left 15 treats. There were 3 mini-marshmallows on each treat you ate. If there are 9 treats left, how many marshmallows did you eat? __ marshmallows
A) 27
B) 18
C) 6
D) unknown
  • 14. A paintball team has five members. The league has 8 teams. The state has 15 leagues. What is the ratio of players per league?
A) 40:1
B) 5:8
C) 8:15
D) 1:40
  • 15. If together, two mules eat 1/3 of a bale a day, how much would one mule eat in April? __ bales
A) 15
B) unknown
C) 10
D) 5
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