The longest side of a right triangle is the Hypotenuse The right angle square always points to the hypotenuse Hypotenuse Hypotenuse What is the longest side of a right triangle called Hypothesis ? Click on the HYPOTENUSE, the longest side. . . . Click on the HYPOTENUSE, the longest side. . . . Click on the HYPOTENUSE, the longest side. . . . (careful, the hypotenuse is a side, not an angle) Click on the HYPOTENUSE, the longest side. . . . . . . (careful, the hypotenuse is a side, not an angle) Click on the HYPOTENUSE, the longest side. . . . . . . The other sides of a right Δ are called the legs. The side across from angle A is OPPOSITE angle A HYPOTENUSE C Opposite angle A B A The other sides of a right Δ are called the legs. The side across from angle A is OPPOSITE angle A HYPOTENUSE ? C Side Opposite ∡ A ? B A C Identify the hypotenuse and the side opposite ∡C hypotenuse ? side opposite ∡ C ? B A hypotenuse ? Identify the hypotenuse and the side opposite ∡C C side opposite ∡ C ? B A hypotenuse ? Identify the hypotenuse and the side opposite ∡B C side opposite ∡ B ? B A Identify the hypotenuse and the side opposite ∡C side opposite ∡ C ? B A hypotenuse ? C Identify the hypotenuse and the side opposite ∡A B A side opposite ∡ A ? hypotenuse ? C The red and black houses are ADJACENT to the yellow house. ADJACENT means next to, adjoining, neighboring. Which house is adjacent to the red house? red house yellow house black house yellow and black houses ADJACENT means next to, adjoining, neighboring. Which house is adjacent to the black house? red house yellow house black house yellow and black houses ADJACENT means next to, adjoining, neighboring. Which house is adjacent to the yellow house? red house yellow house black house red and black houses ADJACENT means next to, adjoining, neighboring. The side across from angle A is OPPOSITE ∡ A The side next to angle A is adjacent to ∡A HYPOTENUSE C Side Opposite ∡ A side Adjacent to ∡A B A HYPOTENUSE ? 1st: Identify the HYPOTENUSE 2nd: Identify the OPPOSITE SIDE 3rd: Only the ADJACENT SIDE is left C Side Opposite ∡ A ? side Adjacent to ∡A ? B A HYPOTENUSE ? 1st: Identify the HYPOTENUSE 2nd: Identify the OPPOSITE SIDE 3rd: Only the ADJACENT SIDE is left C side Adjacent to ∡C ? Side Opposite ∡ C ? B A 1st: Identify the HYPOTENUSE 2nd: Identify the OPPOSITE SIDE 3rd: Only the ADJACENT SIDE is left HYPOTENUSE ? C Side Opposite ∡ B ? A B Side Adjacent to ∡B ? 1st: Identify the HYPOTENUSE 2nd: Identify the OPPOSITE SIDE 3rd: Only the ADJACENT SIDE is left HYPOTENUSE ? C Side Adjacent to ∡C ? A B Side Opposite ∡ C ? ---The--- ---End--- |