Decimal to Fractions
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.44444... =
0.428571428571... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
1.181818... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.6 =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.5 =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.22222... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.020202... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.125 =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.75 =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.090909... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.282051282051... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.64 =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
1.125 =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
3.818181... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.64444... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.60 =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.46666... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.40 =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
0.02272727... =
Write the following decimal as a fraction.
You must to figure out if the number is a
recurring decimal or a terminal decimal.
1.13636363... =
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