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2.a Tuesday: Solving Review, Specific Function Values
Contribué par: Faulkner
(Auteur original: Goldade)
Solve the following equation:
a =
4a + 3 = 11
Solve the following equation:
y = 
5 - 2y = 15
Solve the following equation:
4 + 3x - 6 = 43
a =
Solve the following equation:
4( n + 3 ) = 24
Complete the
table for the
given function.
Solve the following equation:
3k + 6 - 5k = -12 + k
k = 
Solve the following equation:
3(x + 1) = x + 9
x = 
r: (             ,             ,             ,             ,             )
Determine the range for this function
when the domain values are as follows:
The following function calculatesthe profit of selling candy bars for$1.50 when it costs $10.00 for thebox of candy bars. 
            f(n) = 1.5n - 10
d: (0, 5, 10, 15, 20)
Complete the
table for the
given function.
Complete the
table for the
given function.
Complete the
table for the
given function.
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