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Reconstruction Test
Contribué par: Snyder
  • 1. Each black family was given forty acres and a mule in this plan.
A) During President Johnson's plan
B) During the Radical Republican's plan
C) Sherman's Field Order 15
D) During the President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
  • 2. Free Black families were given the right to settle on Catalina island in the Sea Islands of Georgia.
A) Sherman's Field Order 15
B) During President Johnson's plan
C) During the Radical Republican's plan
D) During the President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
  • 3. In South Carolina and Georgia, freedman were given their first chance to start a new independent life.
A) During the President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
B) During the Radical Republican's plan
C) During President Johnson's plan
D) Sherman's Field Order 15
  • 4. Black leaders, Secretary of War Stanton, and a General had a meeting to come up with a plan for the new freeman.
A) During President Johnson's plan
B) During the President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
C) Sherman's Field Order 15
D) During the Radical Republican's plan
  • 5. Throughout the former Confederacy, ex-slaves were given no rights.
A) During the Radical Republican's plan
B) During the President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
C) During President Johnson's plan
D) Sherman's Field Order 15
  • 6. The former Confederate states elected former confederate generals and politicians to the US House of Representatives.
A) Sherman's Field Order 15
B) Radical Republican's plan
C) President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
D) During President Johnson's plan
  • 7. White southerners were openly allowed to commit violence and murder against freedman, killing 2,000 in Louisiana in 1865.
A) During the President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
B) During President Johnson's plan
C) During the Radical Republican's plan
D) Sherman's Field Order 15
  • 8. New Orleans massacre of 35 African Americans and three whites was an effect of what plan?.
A) President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
B) Sherman's Field Order 15
C) President Johnson's plan
D) Radical Republican's plan
  • 9. Black codes were written to limit black rights to employment, movement, and other civil rights during what plan?
A) Radical Republican's plan
B) President Johnson's plan
C) President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
D) Sherman's Field Order 15
  • 10. The overall idea of the plan was to return the southern states to the way things were before the Civil War and to have freeman return to the cotton fields.
A) President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
B) Radical Republican's plan
C) President Johnson's plan
D) Sherman's Field Order 15
  • 11. Thaddeus Stevens was an important leader behind this plan.
A) Radical Republican's plan
B) Sherman's Field Order 15
C) President Johnson's plan
D) President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
  • 12. The 14Th amendment to the Constitution was passed.
A) President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
B) Radical Republican's plan
C) Sherman's Field Order 15
D) President Johnson's plan
  • 13. The former Confederate states were divided up into 5 military districts.
A) Radical Republican's plan
B) President Johnson's plan
C) President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
D) Sherman's Field Order 15
  • 14. State and local governments were removed. Then new elections were held which included African Americans voting.
A) President Johnson's plan
B) President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
C) Sherman's Field Order 15
D) Radical Republican's plan
  • 15. For the first time, African Americans held state and local offices in the south.
A) Sherman's Field Order 15
B) President Johnson's plan
C) Radical Republican's plan
D) President Ulysses Grant’s Plan
  • 16. This president's plan promised to support reconstruction, but end it quickly.
A) President Ulysses Grant’s plan
B) President Sherman's plan
C) President Johnson's plan
D) President Lincoln's plan
  • 17. During this president's term, the KKK leaders in South Carolina were investigated, arrested, and jailed.
A) During President Sherman's term
B) During President Ulysses Grant’s term
C) During President Lincoln's term
D) During President Johnson's term
  • 18. President Grant's re-election was helped by jailing KKK members and the peace that followed.
  • 19. President Grant lost his bid for a second term by a landslide because of reconstruction.
  • 20. The economy failed, black politicians were accused of stealing, and the "lost cause" were the "3 strikes" that doomed reconstruction.
  • 21. President Grant takes action in New Orleans by sending in federal troops to take back the Louisiana State capitol from the White League.
  • 22. Andrew Johnson was a protector of black civil rights.
A) False
B) True
  • 23. The Ku Klux Klan existed only in the former confederate states.
  • 24. The white supremacy movement included the KKK, the White League, and other racist organizations.
  • 25. KKK members were often important white members of society who disguised their identities with white robes and masks.
  • 26. White supremacy groups were terrorist organizations that successfully used fear to stop African Americans from voting.
  • 27. After the Civil War and Reconstruction, all African Americans had equal rights and the former Confederate states quickly and quietly rejoined the US.
  • 28. This Constitutional amendment ended slavery
A) 14TH
B) 15TH
C) 13TH
  • 29. This Constitutional amendment said that states could not limit the rights of citizens or deny equal protection under the law.
A) 14TH
B) 13TH
C) 15TH
  • 30. This Constitutional amendment gave all men the right to vote regardless of color.
A) 15TH
B) 13TH
C) 14TH
  • 31. Sharecropping was...
A) when farmers shared seeds with each other
B) I don't know. I did not do this homework assignment and I don't feel like guessing.
C) when plantation owners shared their crops with the African American farmers.
D) when African Americans farmed the land and shared the profit from their crop with plantation owners.
  • 32. Jim Crow laws were...
A) laws passed by Governor Jim Crow
B) laws that segregated southern African Americans from whites.
C) laws that segregated southerners from northerners
D) laws that helped give African Americans political rights.
  • 33. Reconstruction ended when President Grant pulled out all the troops out of Texas.
  • 34. The positive effects of Reconstruction were...?
A) all answers are true
B) the creation of white schools
C) the creation of black schools
D) the idea that African Americans could be equal to white Americans
  • 35. African Americans enjoyed freedoms under the Radical Republican plan that they had never experienced before.
A) True
B) False
  • 36. Andrew Johnson was a ____President.
A) Republican
B) Democratic
  • 37. Most of the freedoms gained by African Americans during Reconstruction were taken away by the southern democrats at the end in 1877.
A) True
B) False
  • 38. Reconstruction lasted from ____ to ____.
A) 1877 to 1891
B) 1966 to 1999
C) 1861 to 1877
D) 1864 to 1877
E) 1866 to 1888
  • 39. This is...?
A) Andrew Johnson
B) Colonel Sanders
C) Andrew Jackson
D) President Grant
E) William Tecumseh Sherman
  • 40. This is ...?
A) Andrew Johnson
B) Skip Bayless
C) Andrew Jackson
D) Jack Johnson
E) William Tecumseh Sherman
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