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EL2- LA Vocabulary
Contribué par: Zielinski
  • 1. imagery
A) mental pictures that exist in the imagination
B) the setting of a story
C) a subtitle of an illustration or picture
D) a list of characters in a book
  • 2. symbolism
A) the use of drum sounds in a story
B) what is included in a paragraph, phrase, or story
C) the topic or subject of a paragraph, phrase, or story
D) the use of an object or idea to represent something else
  • 3. main idea
A) to make a final copy or draft of written material
B) a list of what is in a book telling what pages to find names and topics
C) the most important part of a story or passage
D) a group of two or more words that do not contain a subject or predicate
  • 4. theme
A) facts that support an outcome
B) the main or base word in which one adds a prefix or suffix
C) the topic or subject of a paragraph, phrase, or story
D) the problem in a story
  • 5. resolution
A) to explain something in detail
B) the use of two negative words in a sentence
C) a comparison between two or more things
D) the solving of a problem or conflict
  • 6. content
A) facts that support an outcome
B) to make a final copy or draft of one's writing
C) what is included in a paragraph, phrase, or story
D) to find out by reasoning
  • 7. adverb
A) two negative words in a sentence
B) a sentence that is a command
C) a word used with a verb, adjective, or another adverb that tells when, where, how, what kind, or how much
D) a story or tale
  • 8. figurative
A) the story a writer tells about his own life
B) facts that support an outcome
C) a comparison between two different things
D) departs from literal meaning to achieve a special effect or new meaning
  • 9. literal
A) a sentence that is a command
B) a piece of speech, writing, or musical composition
C) shortening of a word
D) refers to words that do not change from their basic meaning
  • 10. possessives
A) a sentence that is a command
B) a noun or pronoun which indicates ownership that is shown with apostrophes
C) a word that names a person, place, or thing
D) something that is shown visually as a picture or a chart
  • 11. prefix
A) an affix occuring at the begining of a word, base word or phrase
B) two or more words pronounced the same but have different meanings
C) shortening of a word
D) sources used to obtain information
  • 12. apostrophe
A) used to form contractions, to show that a letter or letters have been left out of word, or to show possession
B) something that shows something visually, such as a picture, chart, graph, or map
C) a list of what is in a book, telling on what pages to find names and topics
D) a group of two or more words that do not contain a subject or predicate
  • 13. conflict
A) the character's thoughts, feelings, and physical features that makes them who they are
B) a sentence that is a command
C) the problem in a story
D) find out by reasoning, conclude
  • 14. foreshadowing
A) a repeating theme or idea
B) what is included in a paragraph, phrase, or story
C) a clue in the beginning of the story about something that will occur later
D) the use of dark and light colors in a story
  • 15. evidence
A) facts that support an outcome
B) added to the beginning of a root word to form a related word
C) to become or make clearer
D) a sentence that is a command
  • 16. graphic organizers
A) something that is shown visually such as a picture, chart, graph, or map
B) list of what is in a book, telling on what pages to find names and topics
C) to explain something in detail
D) the main or base word to which you may add a prefix or suffix
  • 17. homophones
A) a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as
B) shortening of a word
C) graph that uses circles to show relationships such as shared or different traits
D) two or more words pronounced alike but have different meanings
  • 18. motif
A) what is included in a paragraph, phrase, or story
B) a clue in the beginning of the story about something that will occur later
C) the problem in a story
D) a repeating theme or idea
  • 19. parenthesis
A) a sentence that is a command
B) word, phrase, or sentence inserted within a sentence to explain or qualify something, usually set between curved lines
C) a story or tale
D) to make a final copy or draft of written material
  • 20. phrase
A) a story the writer tells about his or her own life
B) the character's thoughts, feelings, and physical features that makes them who they are
C) facts that support an outcome
D) a group of two or more words that do not contain a subject or predicate
  • 21. root word
A) the main or base word to which you may add a prefix or suffix
B) something that is shown visually such as a picture, chart, graph, or map
C) material used to obtain information
D) sentence inserted within a sentence to explain or qualify something, usually between two curved lines
  • 22. web
A) the problem in a story
B) the main or base word to which you may add a prefix or suffix
C) a visual representation of many ideas organized by how they relate to each other
D) sources used to obtain information
  • 23. expository
A) writing meant to convince
B) writing meant to inform
C) to find out by reasoning
D) a story or tale
  • 24. simile
A) a story or tale
B) the main or base word to which you may add a prefix or suffix
C) a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as
D) to become or make clearer
  • 25. suffix
A) two or more words pronounced the same but have different meanings
B) an affix occurring at the end of a word, base word, or phrase
C) sources used to obtain information
D) shortening of a word
  • 26. Venn diagram
A) a comparison between two different things
B) the use of two negatives in one sentence
C) a figure of speech comparing two unlike things and is often introduce by like or as
D) a graph that uses circles to show relationships such as shared or different traits between two or more things
  • 27. narrative
A) to find out by reasoning
B) a group of two or more words that do not contain a subject or predicate
C) shortening of a word
D) a story or tale
  • 28. passage
A) sources used to obtain information
B) list of what is in a book telling on what pages to find names and topics
C) an affix occurring at the end of a word, base, or phrase
D) piece of speech, writing, or musical composition
  • 29. persuasive
A) writing meant to convince
B) a story or tale
C) writing meant to inform
D) to find out by reasoning
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