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Contribué par: Gallagher
  • 1. Find the correct spelling.
A) skewers
B) scuwers
C) squwers
D) skeuers
E) screwers
  • 2. Find the correct spelling.
A) resadew
B) resedew
C) residou
D) residue
  • 3. Find the correct spelling.
A) stalion
B) stailon
C) staillion
D) stallion
  • 4. Find the correct spelling.
A) references
B) refferences
C) refrences
D) referances
  • 5. Find the correct spelling.
A) guared
B) gaurd
C) guard
  • 6. Find the correct spelling.
A) lable
B) label
  • 7. Find the correct spelling.
A) tournement
B) tournament
C) tornement
D) tornameant
E) tornament
  • 8. Find the correct spelling.
A) heje
B) hedge
C) hedje
D) hege
  • 9. Find the correct spelling.
A) biography
B) biograpy
C) biografy
D) biogrephy
  • 10. Find the correct spelling.
A) suprised
B) serprised
C) surprised
  • 11. Find the correct spelling.
A) adreas
B) address
C) adres
  • 12. Find the correct spelling.
A) awqwadly
B) awkwardly
C) awkardly
D) orckwarly
E) arkwardly
  • 13. Find the correct spelling.
A) sceches
B) sketches
C) skeches
D) scetches
E) skeachs
  • 14. Find the correct spelling.
A) atachment
B) attachment
C) atachmeant
D) attatchment
  • 15. Find the correct spelling.
A) unaccetible
B) unexectable
C) unecceptable
D) unaccetable
E) unacectable
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