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BizTown - Work Readiness
Contribué par: Viti
  • 1. A person who requests or seeks something, such as a job.
A) Employer
B) Resume
C) Applicant
D) Interview
  • 2. Work that matches a worker's interest, values, and abilities and that often provides an opportunity for advancement.
A) Interests
B) Career
C) Resume
D) Teamwork
  • 3. A person that works for an employer.
A) Career
B) Employee
C) Employer
D) Skills
  • 4. A business that hires one or more people, usually for a salary.
A) Employee
B) Employer
C) Predicament
  • 5. Creative ideas used to solve problems.
A) Applicant
B) Teamwork
C) Innovative Solutions
D) Soft Skills
  • 6. Things a person likes to do.
A) Interests
C) Teamwork
D) Skills
  • 7. A discussion usually face to face to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a job.
A) Career
B) Resume
C) Job Interview
D) Applicant
  • 8. A difficult or dangerous situation with no obvious or completely satisfactory solution.
A) Career
B) Innovative Solution
C) Predicament
  • 9. A ballot proposal that asks voters whether they want to adopt a new law or change an existing law or policy.
A) Referendum
B) Resume
C) Job Interview
D) Teamwork
  • 10. A written summary of a person's work and school experience, designed to spark an employer's interest. It also helps an employer hire the best person for the job.
A) Predicament
B) Applicant
C) Resume
D) Job Interview
  • 11. Abilities a person has developed and does well.
A) Interests
C) Skills
D) Predicament
  • 12. Skills that represent the way good employees act on the job, such as being punctual, treating customers with kindness, working as a team, and dressing appropriately.
A) Soft Skills
B) Interview
C) Resume
D) Career
  • 13. Acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
  • 14. The cooperative effort of members of a group to achieve a goal.
A) interests
B) skills
C) predicament
D) teamwork
  • 15. Which of these is NOT an example of a soft skill?
A) a college degree
B) treating customers politely
C) showing up on time
D) dressing appropriately
  • 16. If an employer likes your job application, they might invite you to come in for a ___________.
A) predicament
B) soft skills
C) interests
D) job interview
  • 17. Which of these is not one of the Career Types that we studied?
A) Things
B) Ideas
C) People
D) Data
E) Skills
  • 18. These jobs would all be classified as ______ jobs. Carpenter, Firefighter, Locksmith, Plumber, Chemist
A) Data
B) Ideas
C) People
D) Things
  • 19. Helping out a coworker at your job would be an example of ____________.
A) predicament
B) career
C) teamwork
D) resume
  • 20. These jobs would all be classified as _______ jobs. Accountant, Bank Teller, Computer Programmer, Website Developer
A) Data
B) People
C) Ideas
D) Things
  • 21. True or False. It is important to find a career that you are both interested in and good at doing.
A) True
B) False
  • 22. Which of the following is one of the four STEM career categories?
A) specialist
B) geography
C) medical
D) engineering
  • 23. What is this an example of?
A) job interview
B) resume
C) job application
  • 24. What is this an example of?
A) predicament
B) interview
C) resume
D) job application
  • 25. What is this an example of?
A) resume
B) job interview
C) Skills
D) job application
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