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Reading Review 2: The Games: Hearing vs. Seeing
Contribué par: Herrera
(Auteur original: Rogers)
  • 1. Where do you think the main characters will go next?
A) to another ball game
B) to the circus
C) to a polo match
D) on a cruise
  • 2. At which stop did the characters get off the train?
A) Ball Park Road
B) Crawford Street
C) First Avenue
D) Main Street
  • 3. What type of weather was it on the day of the game?
A) windy
B) sunny
C) snowy
D) rainy
  • 4. Who took Charlie to see his first game?
A) his brother
B) his father
C) his cousin
D) his grandpa
  • 5. Which is not one of the sporting events mentioned that Charlie had gone to see before?
A) tennis
B) baseball
C) football
D) polo
  • 6. What made the "clank" sound?
A) the hoop's net
B) the polo mallet
C) a fly ball
D) a home run
  • 7. How did they get to the game?
A) taxi
B) bus
C) airplane
D) train
  • 8. What type of figurative language is being used in this sentence? "The ball went whoosh through the net."
A) onomatopoeia
B) alliteration
C) simile
D) hyperbole
  • 9. What lesson did Tammy learn?
A) how to play baseball
B) how to use other senses to enjoy the game
C) how to take a train to the city
D) to always go to a game with a grownup
  • 10. Who are the main characters in this selection?
A) Charlie and train conductor
B) Tammy and Dad
C) Dad and Charlie
D) Charlie and Tammy
  • 11. What type of genre is this week's reading selection?
A) realistic fiction
B) fairy tale
C) biography
D) historical fiction
  • 12. What sound did a fly ball make?
A) pop
B) crack
C) boom
D) whoosh
  • 13. What does the title of the selection mean?
A) Charlie used sound, not sight, to enjoy the games.
B) The games were between deaf and blind players.
C) The cheering crowd could be heard for miles.
D) They were sitting too far up in the stands to see the games well.
  • 14. If you wanted to find another word for "conductor", where would you look?
A) dictionary
B) index
C) atlas
D) thesaurus
  • 15. What was Tammy's last question to Charlie?
A) Have you ever been to the circus?
B) How can I see with my ears, Charlie?
C) Charlie, what else can I see with my ears?
D) How can you hear an out?
  • 16. How did Charlie know when a player scored two points in the basketball game?
A) He heard the cheering crowd.
B) Tammy told him.
C) Tammy jumped out of her seat.
D) He heard the ball pass through the net.
  • 17. Why did the author italicize the words "whoosh", "pop", and "crack"?
A) to show feeling
B) to make the page look nice
C) to emphasize those sounds
D) to show excitement
  • 18. Look in paragraph 7. How did each noise sound? pop: __________ crack: __________ cheers: __________
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