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Hansen's properties (associative, commutative, identity)
Contribué par: Hansen
  • 1. Which equations shows the commutative property of addition?
A) 7x4=4x7
B) 7+4=4+7
C) 7=0+7
D) 2+(3+5)=(2+3)+5
  • 2. Which property states that changing the order when adding or multiplying does not affect the answer.
A) distributive property
B) commutative property
C) associative property
D) identity property of addition
  • 3. What property does 5 x 1=5 illustrate?
A) commutative
B) associative
C) indentity property
D) distributative
  • 4. Multiplying any number by one equals
A) unable to tell
B) that number
C) zero
D) one
  • 5. What property does 4+(3+6)= (4+3) + 6 ?
A) associative
B) distributive
C) indentity property
D) commutative
  • 6. Which equation shows the associative property of addition
A) (5+9) +3=5 +(9+3)
B) 6=4+2
C) 5+8=8+5
D) 7x (9x2) = (7x9)x2
  • 7. Which equation shows the indentity property of multiplication?
A) 7+0=7
B) 3x1=3
C) 2x7+7x2
D) 3(5+4)=(3+5)+4)
  • 8. Which equation shows identity property of addition?
A) (s+t)+w=s +(t+w)
B) r+0=r
C) n+p=p+n
D) r x 1 =r
  • 9. Which shows associative property of addition?
A) g+0=g
B) 7x(5x6)=(7x5)x6
C) d+k=k+d
D) (t+f)+m=t+(f+m)
  • 10. Which shows commutative property of multiplication?
A) 6+3=3+6
B) 6x8x3=3x6x8
C) 6x1=0
D) (6x8)x3=6x(8x3)
  • 11. Which shows associative property of addition?
A) (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
B) a+0=a
C) a x (b x c)= (a x b) x c
D) c x d x e= d x c x e
  • 12. Which property is 0+ r =r
A) commutative property
B) indentity property of multiplication
C) associative property
D) identity property of addition
  • 13. Which equation shows commutative property of multiplication?
A) 4 x 1=4
B) 6+6+6+5
C) 7x1=1 x7
D) 8+2=2+8
  • 14. What property does f x g x w=g x w x f illustrate?
A) indentity
B) commutative
C) associative
D) distributive
  • 15. Which equation shows the indentity property of addition?
A) (3+6)+7= 3+(6+7)
B) 6+5+3=14
C) 0+8=8
D) 3+1=4
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