(ELA) Verbs - Past and Present
  • 1. worked
A) present
B) past
  • 2. drys
A) present
B) past
  • 3. worries
A) past
B) present
  • 4. climbed
A) past
B) present
  • 5. runs
A) past
B) present
  • 6. worked
A) past
B) present
  • 7. hurried
A) present
B) past
  • 8. fixes
A) present
B) past
  • 9. rushes
A) present
B) past
  • 10. blamed
A) present
B) past
  • 11. cried
A) past
B) present
  • 12. drove
A) present
B) past
  • 13. flew
A) present
B) past
  • 14. jumps
A) present
B) past
  • 15. BONUS: Pick the sentence that happens in the present.
A) He will jump into the pool.
B) He jumped in the pool.
C) Jane swam in the pool.
D) He jumps in the pool.
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