Week 1 Spelling Test
  • 1. Choose the correct spelling
A) strtgy
B) srategy
C) strategy
D) stratyg
  • 2. Choose the correct spelling
A) stamina
B) stamnia
C) stamna
D) stamian
  • 3. Choose the correct spelling
A) evaproate
B) evaporate
C) evaprote
D) evaprate
  • 4. Choose the correct spelling
A) abondon
B) abnadon
C) abandon
D) abmadon
  • 5. Choose the correct spelling
A) mechancial
B) mechnaical
C) mechanical
D) mechenical
  • 6. Choose the correct spelling
A) phantem
B) pantom
C) phantom
D) phentom
  • 7. Choose the correct spelling
A) avalenache
B) avelanche
C) avalanche
D) avalnache
  • 8. Choose the correct spelling
A) catigory
B) categroy
C) category
D) catgeory
  • 9. Choose the correct spelling
A) adpat
B) apdapt
C) adept
D) adapt
  • 10. Choose the correct spelling
A) accruate
B) acurate
C) accurtae
D) accurate
  • 11. Choose the correct spelling
A) presonaltiy
B) personality
C) presonality
D) persenality
  • 12. Choose the correct spelling
A) catlaog
B) cataleg
C) catalog
D) catelog
  • 13. Choose the correct spelling
A) mestache
B) mustache
C) mustaceh
D) mustcahe
  • 14. Choose the correct spelling
A) imagnie
B) imagine
C) imgaine
D) imegine
  • 15. Choose the correct spelling
A) collapes
B) colapse
C) collpase
D) collapse
  • 16. Choose the correct spelling
A) extrcat
B) extrect
C) xetract
D) extract
  • 17. Choose the correct spelling
A) exemene
B) exemine
C) examine
D) examnie
  • 18. Choose the correct spelling
A) disastrous
B) disestrous
C) disestraous
D) disastreus
  • 19. Choose the correct spelling
A) drasic
B) drastic
C) drascit
D) drastec
  • 20. Choose the correct spelling
A) canel
B) cancal
C) cencel
D) cancel
  • 21. Choose the correct spelling
A) anelyse
B) analyze
C) anaiyze
D) anelyze
  • 22. Choose the correct spelling
A) silloute
B) silhouete
C) silouette
D) silhouette
  • 23. Choose the correct spelling
A) pasio
B) paso
C) paseo
D) peseo
  • 24. Choose the correct spelling
A) resonbite
B) recondite
C) recendite
D) recendite
  • 25. Choose the correct spelling
A) accomplice
B) acomplice
C) accomqlize
D) accomplize
  • 26. Choose the correct spelling
A) inpulsive
B) imqulsive
C) impulsive
D) impulsize
  • 27. Choose the correct spelling
A) optimsm
B) optimism
C) optemism
D) opfimism
  • 28. Choose the correct spelling
A) despemse
B) disipense
C) despense
D) dispense
  • 29. Choose the correct spelling
A) crimenal
B) criminal
C) creminal
D) ciminal
  • 30. Choose the correct spelling
A) literel
B) literal
C) leteral
D) liferal
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