Characteristics of Numbers
  • 1. The year Tyrone was born is an odd number. Which number could be Tyrone's year of birth?
A) 1997
B) 1980
C) 1972
D) 2004
  • 2. Sofia's favorite number is an even number. Which number could be her favorite number
A) 290
B) 873
C) 291
D) 387
  • 3. Which of these numbers is a factor of 8?
A) 16
B) 3
C) 5
D) 4
  • 4. Which of these numbers in a multiple of 8
A) 48
B) 18
C) 4
D) 20
  • 5. Alejandro's birthday is even. It is also a multiple of 9. Which number could be Alejandro's birthday? of
A) 16
B) 9
C) 18
D) 24
  • 6. Which number is a factor of 24 and a multiple of 4?
A) 10
B) 8
C) 2
D) 16
  • 7. Which of these numbers has 2 as a factor?
A) 15
B) 9
C) 30
D) 21
  • 8. Amir has an even number of dollars in his savings account. He has more than 420 and less than 430. How much could Amir have in his account?
A) 427
B) 425
C) 452
D) 428
  • 9. Which of the following is a prime number?
A) 4
B) 9
C) 7
D) 15
  • 10. Which of the following is a composite number?
A) 17
B) 23
C) 15
D) 2
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