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A Walk in the Desert
Közreműködött: Rogers
  • 1. How do many desert animals get water?
A) They eat desert plants.
B) They drink from lakes.
C) They store water in burrows.
D) They dig underground wells.
  • 2. Wood rats build large nests in order to protect themselves from _______.
A) pack rats
B) cold nights
C) sudden storms
D) predators
  • 3. An elf owl is about the same size as ________.
A) jackrabbit
B) scorpion
C) coyote
D) woodpecker
  • 4. Jackrabbits' long ears help them to _____.
A) stay cool
B) run fast
C) find food
D) build homes
  • 5. Which of these is a nocturnal animal?
A) kit fox
B) roadrunner
C) lizard
D) grasshopper
  • 6. Which desert animal is poisonous?
A) coral snake
B) coyote
C) Gila monster
D) horned lizard
  • 7. Read this sentence from the article. "Deserts have a very dry climate." What does the word climate mean?
A) the average weather
B) the shape of the land
C) the number of people
D) the most common animal
  • 8. Read this sentence from the article. "They spin silken webs among cactus spines." The word silken means______.
A) thin and sharp
B) sticky and wet
C) tough and hard
D) soft and shiney
  • 9. Read this sentence from the article. "Scorpions often lurk in crevices or under rocks during the day." The word lurk means________.
A) make noise
B) lie hidden
C) find prey
D) sleep soundly
  • 10. How do plants and animals in the desert depend on one another?
A) The animals touch the shrubs of the desert floor with their tails.
B) The plants have a smell that the animals enjoy.
C) Cactus plants provide homes for many animals.
D) The insects spin webs that protect the flowers in the desert region.
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