A) one thousand five hundred forty-six and nine hundred seventy eight thousandths B) one thousand five hundred and forty six and nine hundred seventy eight thousandths C) one thousand five hundred forty-six and nine hundred and seventy eight D) one thousand five forty six and nine hundred seventy eight E) One housandths five hundred fourty six and nine hundred seventy eight thousandths
A) 9+0+.009+.0008 B) 9+0+.09+.08 C) 90+.009+.0008 D) 90+.9+.8 E) 90+.9+.08
A) 3 B) 9 C) 1 D) 4 E) 6
A) 5.12 B) .5120 C) 512000 D) 500.012 E) 512
A) 153.295 B) 152.235 C) .153235 D) 15.3235 E) 1.53235
A) 1.23456 B) .123456 C) 12.0987654 D) 12.00098 E) 12.50
A) one hundred and sixty five and ninety eight thousandths B) one hundred sixty five and ninety eight thousandths C) one hundred sixty five and ninety eight millionths D) one hundred sixty-five and ninety-eight hundred thousandths E) one hundred sixty five and ninety eight
A) 6 B) 9 C) 1 D) 7 E) 5
A) 10+2+.05+.07+.08 B) 102+.05+.0007+.00008 C) 100+2+.5+.07+.08 D) 10+2+.05+.007+.008 E) 100+2+.05+.0007+.00008
A) 5 B) 7 C) 9 D) 0 E) 8 |