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Digestion - Unit Test Multiple Choice
Közreműködött: Lefebvre
  • 1. The enzyme found in saliva is
A) Lugol
B) Amylase
C) Pepsin
D) Gastric Juice
  • 2. This carbohydrate begins digestion in the mouth
A) starch
B) fat
C) sugar
D) fiber
  • 3. This organ prevents food and/or drink from entering the trachea (wind pipe)
A) Cardiac Sphincter
B) Epiglottis
C) Tonsils
D) Pyloric Sphincter
  • 4. When food is chewed and mixed with saliva, it turns into a moist ball or
A) peristalsis
B) gastric juice
C) bolus
D) chyme
  • 5. The wavelike muscle contractions that move food down the esophagus is called
A) peristalsis
B) pepsin
C) bolus
D) chyme
  • 6. This indicator solution is used to test for starch
A) Lugol Solution
B) Benedict’s Solution
C) Amylase Solution
D) Pepsin Solution
  • 7. This indicator solution is used to test for sugar
A) Benedict’s Solution
B) Amylase Solution
C) Lugol Solution
D) Pepsin Solution
  • 8. Gastric juices start the digestion of
A) fiber
B) protein
C) sugar
D) starch
  • 9. The pulpy mixture of food and gastric juices in the stomach is called
A) chyme
B) bolus
C) peristalsis
D) amylase
  • 10. A small hole in the lining of the stomach, caused in spots where there is no mucus and the gastric juice begins to digest the stomach wall is called
A) heartburn
B) chyme
C) an ulcer
D) peristalsis
  • 11. The sphincter between the stomach and the small intestine is the
A) Pyloric Sphincter
B) Epiglottis Sphincter
C) Cardiac Sphincter
D) Esophagus Sphincter
  • 12. The first 25cm of the small intestine is called the
A) colon
B) duodenum
C) jejunum
D) ileum
  • 13. The two organs that produce digestive fluids that are secreted into the small intestine are
A) liver and gall bladder
B) gall bladder and jejunum
C) colon and gall bladder
D) liver and pancreas
  • 14. The tiny projections that cover the surface of the folds in the small intestine are
A) villi and microvilli
B) muscles
C) teeth
D) ulcers
  • 15. The process by which the nutrients from the digested food pass into the blood vessels through the wall of the small intestine is called
A) diffusion
B) digestion
C) evaporation
D) elimination
  • 16. The three parts of the small intestine are the duodenum, jejunum and ileum?
A) False
B) True
  • 17. Fats get chemically digested into
A) fatty acids and glycerol
B) amino acids and proteins
C) glucose and starch
D) bile
  • 18. The liquid that breaks down large fat droplets into smaller ones so they can mix more easily with the juices from the small intestine and pancreas is
A) chyme
B) mucus
C) bile
D) water
  • 19. The nutrient(s) that is/are chemically digested in the small intestine are:
A) fats only
B) carbohydrates only
C) carbohydrates, proteins and fats
D) protein only
E) carbohydrates and fats
  • 20. The result of chemically digesting proteins are:
A) carbohydrates
B) amino acids
C) simple sugars
D) bile
  • 21. The result of chemically digesting carbohydrates are
A) carbohydrates
B) simple sugars
C) bile
D) amino acids
  • 22. This organ was once used to help digest the cellulose in plant matter, but it is not useful now. It needs to be surgically removed if it becomes infected by bacteria.
A) liver
B) gall bladder
C) appendix
D) pancreas
  • 23. This material passes through the colon and is composed of water, undigested food, mucus, dead cells, and bacteria.
A) chyme
B) bolus
C) feces
D) mucus
  • 24. When the feces move through the large intestine too quickly and there’s not enough time for water to be absorbed (too much water in the feces).
A) ulcer
B) diarrhea
C) constipation
D) appendicitis
  • 25. When the feces move through the colon too slowly and too much water is absorbed (not enough water in the feces).
A) constipation
B) diarrhea
C) nausea
D) vomiting
  • 26. These pass through the walls of the large intestine into the bloodstream.
A) nutrients
B) bile and chyme
C) water and minerals
D) enzymes
  • 27. The organ that stores bile and pumps it into the duodenum is:
A) colon
B) gall bladder
C) pancreas
D) appendix
  • 28. The substance produced by the liver is
A) bile
B) pepsin
C) renin
D) amylase
  • 29. The largest internal organ is:
A) heart
B) stomach
C) liver
D) gall bladder
  • 30. A liquid that is basic/alkaline (not acidic) and is used to neutralize stomach acid.
A) pancreatic juice
B) gastric juice
C) bile
D) mucus
  • 31. The amount of juice secreted by the pancreas secretes every day.
A) 100 liters
B) .05 liters
C) 10 liters
D) 1.5 liters
  • 32. Which figure better illustrates a cross-section of the small intestine?
A) B
B) A
  • 33. This figure best illustrates:
A) Why starch needs to be digested
B) Why cells need energy
C) None of these
D) Why sugar is bad for your cells
  • 34. The process illustrated is best described as:
A) None of these
B) Absorption
C) Passive transport
D) Active Transport
  • 35. The process illustrated is best described as:
A) Active Transport
B) None of these
C) Passive Transport
D) Diffusion
  • 36. What process enables you to swallow your food even if you are standing on your head?
A) Peristalsis
B) Diffusion
C) Absorption
D) Assimilation
  • 37. Which of these substances is an enzyme that digests protein in the stomach?
A) Hydrochloric acid
B) Pepsin
C) Mucus
D) Amylase
  • 38. In which of the following mixtures would digestion most likely occur?
A) Amylase, fat, and water
B) Amylase, protein, and water
C) Amylase, glucose, and water
D) Amylase, starch, and water
  • 39. Diffusion is often called passive transport because
A) Energy from the cell is not needed for it to occur
B) Energy from the cell is needed for it to occur
C) It takes place only in water
D) It takes place only without water
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