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SCI III Exam Review 3
Közreműködött: De Koe
  • 1. Which of the following body parts is NOT included in the excretory System?
A) lungs
B) sweat glands
C) heart
D) kidneys
  • 2. The lowest point of a transverse wave is called:
A) trough
B) crest
C) amplitude
D) compression
  • 3. A wave in which the vibration of the medium is parallel to the direction the wave travels.
A) transverse wave
B) longitudinal wave
C) electromagnetic wave
D) node
  • 4. Which wave has the greater frequency?
A) Top
B) You can't tell frequency from these diagrams
C) They have the same frequency
D) Bottom
  • 5. Waves from the sun in this part of the electromagnetic spectrum can burn your skin.
A) ultraviolet light
B) radio waves
C) x-rays
D) microwaves
  • 6. Doppler Effect: As a source of sound moves towards you, the pitch of the sound you hear ___________.
    As the source moves away, the pitch __________.
A) increases, decreases
B) starts, stops
C) decreases, increases
D) stops, restarts
  • 7. A convex lens...
A) always creates an inverted image
B) can create a virtual or real image
C) always creates a virtual image
D) always creates a real image
  • 8. A see a green book because…
A) it reflects blue and yellow
B) it is recyclable
C) it absorbs every colour of light except green
D) it reflects every colour of light except green
  • 9. While watching the waves at the beach, Maxine counted 12 waves every minute. Calculate the frequency of the waves.
A) 5 Hz
B) 12 Hz
C) 0.5 Hz
D) 0.2 Hz
  • 10. Compared to 40 decibels, 20 decibels is how many times softer?
A) 100
B) 20
C) 2
D) 800
  • 11. Sound vibrations travel the fastest in...
A) gases
B) space
C) liquids
D) solids
  • 12. Which of the following statements is NOT true for light?
A) Light that bounces back is reflected
B) Light can pass straight through an opaque surface.
C) Light travels in a straight line
D) Light that bends is refracted
  • 13. You can not see a reflection on a rough surface because rough surfaces...
A) produce curved reflections, like funhouse mirrors
B) scatter light rays that hit them
C) are always opaque
D) reflect light waves in a single direction
  • 14. Which lens will correct hyperopia?
A) convex
B) diverging
C) reflective
D) concave
  • 15. For a converging lens, a ray that hits the lens parallel to the principal axis...
A) reflects straight back to the object
B) goes straight through, continuing parallel
C) refracts outwards as if originating from the lens' focal point
D) refracts inwards and through the lens' focal point
  • 16. The structure that changes shape to help form a clear image on the retina is called...
A) iris
B) lens
C) cornea
D) sclera
  • 17. 90% of how we taste things comes from our...
A) eye
B) ear
C) skin
D) tongue
E) nose
  • 18. What reaction is performed by your skin to help keep the heat in?
A) itching
B) sweating
C) goosebumps
D) blinking
  • 19. The thin membrane that moves with the rhythm of sound wave vibrations...
A) retina
B) cochlea
C) eardrum
D) pinna
  • 20. A bundle of more than one million nerve fibers that carries visual messages from the retina to the brain.
A) blind spot
B) optic nerve
C) auditory nerve
D) motor nerve
  • 21. The _________ includes the brain and spinal cord.
A) Peripheral Nervous System
B) Central Nervous System
C) all of these
D) Upper Nervous System
  • 22. Transmits nerve impulses to the next neuron's dendrite:
A) nucleus
B) axon
C) axon terminal
D) dendrite
  • 23. Which of the following is NOT a function of the cerebrum (cerebral cortex)?
A) involuntary movements
B) interpreting senses
C) regulating emotion
D) intelligence
  • 24. A chemical substance through which nerve impulses travel from one neuron to another:
A) hormones
B) axon terminals
C) meninges
D) neurotransmitter
  • 25. The _____ transmits info, in the form of nerve impulses, to the central nervous system.
A) stimuli
B) sensory nerves
C) motor nerves
D) sensory receptors
  • 26. Which of the following is NOT a type of muscle?
A) long
B) skeletal
C) cardiac
D) smooth
  • 27. Which of the following is NOT a function of bones?
    support, protection, movement, storage and production of blood cells
A) support the body's organs
B) protect internal organs
C) contract to cause movement
D) storage and production of blood cells
  • 28. A __________ is a fibrous connective tissue which attaches muscle to bone, serving to move the bone or structure. A __________ is a fibrous connective tissue which attaches bone to bone, and usually serves to hold structures together and keep them stable
A) tendon, joint
B) ligament, tendon
C) tendon, ligament
D) ligament, vertebra
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