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ESL092 Last Week
Közreműködött: Annoreno
  • 1. The opposite of mandatory.
A) optional
B) mandatory
C) carpool
D) plethora
  • 2. If you are always late, then you are not a ___________________ person.
A) carpool
B) discard
C) punctual
D) optional
  • 3. When my brother told me that he is going to start losing weight today.
A) Actions speak louder than words.
B) I've lost my head
C) It's raining cats and dogs
D) Don't judge a book by its cover
  • 4. before one is married.
A) punctual
B) sibling
C) discard
D) fiancé
  • 5. If you are adding money into your checking or savings.
A) frugal
B) deposit
C) punctual
D) withdrawal
  • 6. I did not buy the car because I am__________.
A) frugal
B) deposit
C) carpool
D) bucks
  • 7. I didn't want to go to the opera. I am glad I did. Now I have an apprecation for the opera.
A) Don't judge a book by its cover
B) It's raining cats and dogs
C) I've lost my head
D) I'm under the weather
  • 8. Jodi said, "Please ________ all cans into the recycling bin."
A) bucks
B) punctual
C) fiancé
D) discard
  • 9. I _________________ a microwave oven for a bicycle because i needed transportation to get to work.
A) punctual
B) bartered
C) sibling
D) optional
  • 10. Joe said, "We have to go to the meeting."
A) carpool
B) siblings
C) mandatory
D) optional
  • 11. My wife maes the best vegetable _____________ . It is better than they make in restaurants.
A) soup
B) soap
  • 12. Victoria said, May I borrow five___________.
A) deposit
B) frugal
C) siblings
D) bucks
  • 13. very sick.
A) Don't judge a book by its cover
B) under the weather
C) sick as a dog
D) It's raining cats and dogs
  • 14. Helps clean a person.
A) soup
B) soap
  • 15. To sit around the house all day.
A) couch potato
B) workout weirdo
C) optional
D) punctual
  • 16. I have seven ________________. Five brothers and two sisters.
A) fiancé
B) bucks
C) frugal
D) siblings
  • 17. To take money out of the bank.
A) bucks
B) withdrawal
C) frugal
D) deposit
  • 18. Are you ever ________ in the class. Maybe you need to exercise more.
A) weary
B) punctual
C) carpool
D) deposit
  • 19. Two people in a car at one time
A) optional
B) carpool
C) siblings
D) discard
  • 20. I had to call my wife in sick because I was________________.
A) It's raining cats and dogs
B) I've lost my head
C) under the weather
D) Actions speak louder than words.
  • 21. Karen has a________________ of knowledge about technology
A) discard
B) plethora
C) siblings
D) deposit
  • 22. When you are single man, you are a
A) bachelorette
B) bachelor
  • 23. When you are a single lady, you are a
A) bachelor
B) bachelorette
  • 24. If you are the smallest and weakest of a litter then you are considered the runt
A) false
B) True
  • 25. I am so hungry, I could .......
A) Eat a horse
B) Dog eat dog
C) who let the cat out of the bag.
D) quiet as a mouse
  • 26. To be very quiet, without disturbing anyone.
A) Dog eat dog
B) Dog house
C) quiet as a mouse
D) Eat a horse
  • 27. If I was cooking a turkey, I would cook it in the
A) oven
B) pot
C) strainer
D) frying pan
  • 28. To boil spaghetti, you first need to put water in a ___________.
A) pot
B) oven
C) strainer
D) frying pan
  • 29. When the spaghetti is done cooking and you need to get all of the water out, you should use a ________________.
A) strainer
B) oven
C) frying pan
D) pot
  • 30. To cook scrambled eggs you would use a
A) pot
B) strainer
C) oven
D) frying pan
  • 31. When walking a dog, the person holds on to the ___________.
A) collar
B) leash
  • 32. This goes around the dog or cat's neck.
A) leash
B) collar
  • 33. " To cut out."
A) leave early
B) stop a habit
  • 34. " To call it a day / night. "
A) get a bonus for working
B) stop working for the day / night
C) work overtime into the day / night
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