Plants and Animals Test
  • 1. 1. Asexual reproduction occurs within many___________.
A) birds
B) insects
C) flowers
  • 2. 2. chlorophyll is
A) the tissue in trees used to absorb water
B) the structure inside of cells
C) the pigment that makes plants green
D) the sugar used for energy
  • 3. 3. chloroplasts are
A) the sugar used in plants for food
B) the tissue in trees used to absorb water
C) the pigment that makes the plants green
D) structures inside the cell
  • 4. 4. glucose is
A) the pigment that gives plants their green color
B) the structures inside a cell
C) the sugars used by plants to grow and develop
D) the tissue in trees that absorbs water
  • 5. 5. Heterotrophs are
A) only some of the animals on earth
B) living organism that requires eating food to get energy needed to grow and develop
C) living organisms that are able to make their own food using the sun to get their energy
D) are all the plants on earth
  • 6. 6. Does this picture represent consumers, decomposers, or producers?
A) consumers
B) producers
C) decomposers
  • 7. 7. An organism is
A) another name for the organs in our body
B) any non-living thing
C) any living thing
D) another name for the cells in yur body
  • 8. 8. The Stamen is the
A) cells inside of a plant
B) the female part of the flower
C) part of the flower that has the ovary in it
D) male part of the flower
  • 9. 9. What is the whole female part of the flower called?
A) stamen
B) pistil
C) ovules
D) sepal
  • 10. 10. What is the flower part labeled 10?
A) stigma
B) petal
C) ovary
D) anther
  • 11. 11. what is the flower part labeled 11?
A) anther
B) filament
C) style
D) stigma
  • 12. 12. What is the flower part labeled 12?
A) anther
B) ovary
C) stigma
D) filament
  • 13. 13. what is the flower part labeled 13?
A) style
B) filament
C) petal
D) ovary
  • 14. 14. what is the flower part labeled 14?
A) anther
B) style
C) ovary
D) stigma
  • 15. 15. what is the flower part labeled 15?
A) stigma
B) ovary
C) anther
D) filament
  • 16. 16. What is another name for the sugar developed inside the plant?
A) stevia
B) sucosure
C) sacchrine
D) glucose
  • 17. 17. The name of the male part of the flower where pollen is stored.
A) Anther
B) petal
C) sepal
D) fliament
  • 18. 18. The seed is grown in what female part of the plant?
A) ovary
B) style
C) anther
D) fllament
  • 19. 19. Multicellular
A) both vascular and nonvascular
B) Only nonvascular plants.
C) only vascular plants
  • 20. 20. Can only reproduce by spores. Example: moss
A) heterotroph
B) mushrooms
C) vascular plants
D) nonvascular plants
  • 21. 21. Eukaryotes means_____________.
A) nonvascular
B) no nucleus
C) cells that have a nucleus
D) vascular
  • 22. 22. Plants that are seed producers AND spore producers, and grow tall.
A) nonvascular
B) vascular
C) unhealthy
  • 23. 23. Transports the food produced in the leaves to other parts of the plant, including the roots.
A) eukaryotes
B) muscular
C) vascular
D) nonvascular
  • 24. 24. Liverworts are an example of_______________plants
A) vascular plants
B) nonvascular plants
C) seaweed
  • 25. 25. Has true roots, stems, and leaves.
A) weeds
B) postvascular
C) nonvascular
D) vascular
  • 26. 26. Name the tissue in the plant carries the food from the roots up to the leaves.
A) xylem
B) cuticle
C) sepal
D) phloem
  • 27. 27. The name of the tissue in the plant that carries the food from the leaves down to the rest of the plant.
A) phloem
B) xylem
C) stomata
D) cuticle
  • 28. 28. Pores or holes in the leaf that absorb water and carbon dioxide from the air.
A) tropism
B) cuticle
C) stomata
D) chlorophyll
  • 29. 29. ____________is he top layer of the leaf known as the skin.
A) phloem
B) autotroph
C) cuticle
D) vacuole
  • 30. 30. The process a green plant goes through to create food using the sun's energy.
A) trophosynthesis
B) glucosnthesis
C) photosynthesis
  • 31. 31. Which answer below gives the correct ingredients for photosynthesis to occur?
A) carbon dioxide, sunlight, chlorophyll, and water
B) carbon dioxide, chloroplasts, water, darkness
C) water, sunlight, hydrogen, oxygen
  • 32. 32. Hydrogen (chemical energy) + carbon dioxide = __________
A) sunlight
B) glucose (sugar)
C) chlorophyll
D) energy
  • 33. 33. Energy stored in plants is known as_________energy
A) emotional
B) chemical
C) physical
  • 34. 34. Is an organism that makes its own food.
A) autotroph
B) heterotroph
C) decomposer
  • 35. Does this picture represent consumers, decomposers, or producers?
A) decomposers
B) consumers
C) producers
  • 36. Does this picture represent consumers, decomposers, or producers?
A) decomposers
B) consumers
C) producers
  • 37. Conifers or trees which bare cones are _______.
A) gymnosperm
B) angiosperm
  • 38. A flowering plant – that produces a seed enclosed by a fruit
A) angiosperm
B) gymnosperm
  • 39. Tropism is__________________.
A) is growth in response to a stimulus to help plants decay and decompose.
B) growth in response to a stimulus. Plants grow towards sources of water and light, which they need to survive and grow
C) refers to plants found in the tropics.
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