Chapter 1, 2, 3 One Crazy Summer
  • 1. Who is the main character?
A) Vonnetta
B) Fern
C) Delphine
D) Cecile
E) Big Ma
  • 2. Where did the story start?
A) California
B) Los Angles
C) Coffee shop
D) Brooklyn
E) JFK airport
  • 3. What did Cecil and Pa argue about?
A) washing the clothes
B) Drawings on the wall
C) Big Ma
D) money
E) taking care of the kids
  • 4. Where did big Ma say Cecil lived?
A) in the subway
B) On the street
C) in the bus station
D) in an apartment
E) at her mother's house
  • 5. Why was Big Ma upset about the phone call
A) How much it would cost Pa
B) Delphine was being rude on the phone
C) They woke up Pa
D) The phone was full of static
E) how Delphine was picking with her sisters
  • 6. where is the setting in chapter 2?
A) In Brooklyn
B) On the airplane
C) In the airport
D) In New York
  • 7. Why was the chapter called the golden gate bridge
A) That is what they saw out the window of the plane
B) It was what a passenger was talking about
C) it is where cecile lived
D) It was in a book
  • 8. Who is Cecile?
A) Their grandma
B) Their neighbor
C) Pa's girlfriend
D) Their mom
  • 9. Who lives in the green stucco house?
A) Big Ma
B) Pa
C) Cecile
D) Mean lady Ming
  • 10. Which of the following describes Cecil's house?
A) A building with a phone booth on the side
B) a farmhouse with animals in the front yard
C) a building filled with people with planes overhead
D) Green house with a palm tree in the front yard
  • 11. Who is telling the story?
A) Fern
B) Vonnetta
C) Cecile
D) Delphine
  • 12. What did the girls want to do with the money Pa gave them?
A) Go to Disney World
B) Go to the movies
C) Go to Mean Lady Ming
D) Go home
  • 13. Where did Delphine keep the money Pa gave her?
A) in her purse
B) in her suitcase
C) in her pocket
D) In her shoe
  • 14. Why did Cecil tell Delphine to give her the money?
A) so they could wash clothes
B) so they could eat
C) so they could go to Disney land
D) so they could go to the store
  • 15. What does Delphine think of Cecile
A) She is crazy
B) she is friendly
C) She is nice
D) she is loving
  • 16. Who is the only person who has fond memories of Cecil?
A) her dad
B) her sister
C) Her grandma
D) Her uncle
  • 17. Why is the chapter called Mean Lady Ming?
A) because she doesn't like kids
B) because she lost her glasses
C) Because she fuss at the girls about asking for free egg rolls
D) Because she is a grouch
  • 18. Why is Lady Ming upset?
A) because she gave away egg rolls once and everyone expected them for free
B) Because the girls tore up her store
C) because she does not like people
D) because she is lost
  • 19. Why does Cecil rush the girls into the room?
A) because the girls didn't follow directions
B) The men with the Afros and black clothes were at the door
C) because they were keeping up too much noise
D) because they were being robbed
  • 20. What happens to the girls on their way to lady Ming?
A) They get lost
B) They are almost ran over by a boy on a skateboard
C) They lose the money
D) They are picked up by strangers
  • 21. How much money does Cecil give Delphine
A) 5
B) 60
C) 10
D) 20
  • 22. From what you have read so far, what kind of person is Delphine?
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