  • 1. The two types of crust are _________________________ and _________________________.
A) oceanic, volcanic
B) land, pangaea
C) oceanic, continental
D) continental, volcanic
E) oceanic, land
  • 2. Iceland, the Samoan Islands, and Hawaii are examples of landforms created by ____________________________.
A) a hot spot
B) a convergent zone
C) a ring of fire
D) a subduction zone
E) a divergent zone
  • 3. At mid-ocean ridges, new ____________________________ crust is created.
A) continental
B) volcanic
C) transform
D) convergent
E) oceanic
  • 4. Seafloor spreading is a process that creates new ________________________ crust.
A) oceanic
B) continental
C) convergent
D) volcanic
E) transform
  • 5. The _________________________ Islands are located in the middle of the Pacific plate.
A) Ring
B) Hawaiian
C) Australian
D) Icelandic
E) Samoan
  • 6. Convection currents in our Earth's mantle drives the process that moves our __________________________.
A) crusts
B) clouds
C) mountains
D) volcanoes
E) oceans
  • 7. The largest and most powerful mountains and volcanoes are located _____________________________.
A) on Australia
B) on Iceland
C) on the surface
D) above surface
E) underwater
  • 8. Areas where continental and oceanic plates converge are also said to be _____________________________.
A) Icelandic zones
B) subduction zones
C) mid-atlantic zones
D) mid-pacific zones
E) Australian zones
  • 9. Between oceanic and continental crusts, the ___________________ crust is more dense.
A) continental
B) oceanic
C) convergent
D) transform
E) divergent
  • 10. The rate of seafloor spreading is approximately ______________ every 10 years.
A) 30 meters
B) 30 cm
C) 3 cm
D) 3 inches
E) 30 inches
  • 11. As the ocean seafloor spreads, the newly formed floor will adapt a specific magnetic signature according to the Earth's magnetic pole at that time. As years pass, lateral segments of seafloor will thus share the same _____________________ signature on either side of the mid-oceanic ridge.
A) volcanic
B) divergent
C) magnetic
D) convergent
E) zubductive
  • 12. In seafloor spreading, the further the ocean floor is away from the mid-ocean ridge, the _____________________ that floor will be.
A) rockier
B) newer
C) older
D) younger
E) prettier
  • 13. Iceland is located in the middle of _______________________________________________________________.
A) the mid-Australian ridge
B) the mid-Caribbean ridge
C) the mid-Atlantic ridge
D) the mid-Pacific ridge
E) the mid-convergent ridge
  • 14. In an island chain such as Hawaii, volcanic islands further away from the hot spot will tend to be ________________________.
A) newer
B) prettier
C) older
D) rockier
E) younger
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