Midsummer Night's Dream
  • 1. The primary conflict in this play revolves around
A) The king conquering a new land
B) The actors determining how to put on their play
C) Lovers working out their relationships
D) The fairies taking over the land of the mortals
  • 2. "O, when she's angry, she is keen and shrewd! She was a vixen when she went to school; And though she be but little, she is fierce." This quote was spoken by Helena to describe:
A) Bottom
B) Hippolyta
C) Titania
D) Mustardseed
E) Hermia
  • 3. "My Oberon! what visions have I seen!
    Methought I was enamoured of an ass." This quote was spoken by:
A) Hermia
B) Hippolyta
C) Helena
D) Puck
E) Titania
  • 4. One character was quite a know-it-all, and eventually was transformed into a symbol of his/her character. This character was ________________.
A) Theseus
B) Oberon
C) Puck
D) Bottom
E) Egeus
  • 5. Which of the following events did NOT take place in the rising action?
A) Puck distributes the love potion
B) Oberon and Titania resolve their conflict and get back together
C) Theseus plans to marry Hippolyta
D) Demetrius and Lysander both fall in love with Helena
  • 6. Which of the following happened in the exposition?
A) Hermia and Helena get into a big fight
B) Egeus protests his daughter's marriage with Theseus
C) The actors put on a play
D) Bottom turns into a donkey
  • 7. Shakespearean productions took place without props and sets, a reality made clear in Act V when:
A) A character echos sounds effects from the background
B) A character pretends to be a tree to provide shade
C) A character plays a wall separating lovers
D) A characters is a rock for someone to sit on
  • 8. This play reflects much about society during this time people. Which of the following groups was shown to not have a lot of say in what happened to them?
A) The men
B) The actors
C) The fairies
D) The ladies
E) The children
  • 9. Which of the following is NOT an option Hermia was given by her father?
A) Live at home forever
B) Die
C) Marry Demetrius
D) Become a nun
  • 10. Who offers an extensive commentary throughout the wedding play performance by the actors/mechanicals?
A) Theseus
B) Oberon
C) Puck
D) Hermia
  • 11. Why does Philostrate try to keep Theseus from seeing the play?
A) It is short and the acting is poor
B) It is not typical for the wedding party to see a play
C) Philostrate doesn't want Theseus to pay attention to the actors
D) There is a plot to ruin the wedding through the play
  • 12. There are many transformations that happen in this play, many of which speak a message Shakespeare may be communicating. Which of the following was the message MOST clearly communicated in this play?
A) Royalty always know what is best for citizens
B) Actors are self-centered beings
C) Love is unstable and fickle, likely to change on a whim
D) Fairies roam around the world and ruin everything
E) Marriage should not be forced by parents
  • 13. Oberon and Egeus's conflicts in Act I and II could be compared for many reasons. Which of the following is NOT a way they are different?
A) One conflict was human, one was fairy
B) One man wanted his daughter to be forced to do something, the other just wanted something from his wife
C) One person wanted to control a situation, the other wanted to give up control
D) One conflict was with a spouse, one with a daughter
  • 14. Which of the following did NOT happen as part of the actors' wedding performance?
A) Theseus declares that an epilogue is not needed at the end, and opts instead to dance
B) The lion is preceded by a warning so the ladies won't be scared
C) The lion is killed in an act of heroism, eliciting cheers from the crowd
D) Pyramus and Thisbe speak through a hole in a wall, acted by a person
E) Pyramus commits suicide, proclaiming, "Die, Die, Die" over and over
  • 15. At the conclusion of the play, the title is solidified when Puck announces _________________.
A) The whole play was just a dream, and the characters will wake up to discover this
B) As a fairy, he may be in your next midsummer night's dream
C) If the audience was offended, he/she should pretend it was all a dream
D) This midsummer adventure felt like a dream, but it was all true
  • 16. Lysander and Hermia face many challenges in their relationship. Which of the following was NOT an obstacle to them being together?
A) Puck, who drugged him into loving Helena
B) Demetrius, who also wanted to marry Hermia
C) Egeus, who preferred Demetrius
D) Lysander, who didn't really love Hermia
  • 17. Quince does his best to put on a quality production. Who was the BIGGEST obstacle in the play coming together?
A) Snug, who didn't want to be the lion for fear of scaring the ladies
B) Bottom, who wanted to play every part and then disappeared right before the performance
C) Flute, who didn't want to be Thisbe because he was growing a beard
D) Puck, who turned Bottom into a donkey
  • 18. Demetrius and Helena are together in the end, but there were many obstacles in their path to love. Which of the following was NOT a barrier to them ending up together?
A) Puck, who put love potion in Lysander's eyes by mistake
B) Helena, who didn't believe Demetrius when he first loved her
C) Demetrius, who didn't really love Helena
D) Egeus, who wanted Demetrius to love Hermia instead
E) Theseus, who made it difficult for them to get married
  • 19. In the end, the fairies--Oberon and Puck--do affect the lives of the humans long term. Whose lives were MOST AFFECTED because of the fairies interference?
A) Demetrius and Helena
B) Bottom and Quince
C) Lysander and Hermia
D) Theseus and Hippolyta
  • 20. Which of the following was NOT a theme (key message) reflected through the events of the story?
A) Acting is a poor profession, only practiced by fools
B) Women and their desires are not prioritized by society
C) There are magical or spiritual influences at work in the world
D) Love is fickle, and can change at any time
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