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Cocoa Ice Comprehension
Con il contributo di: Goers
(Autore originale: Moore)
  • 1. At the museum, we toured an old-fashioned _________ that was tied to the dock.
A) schooner
B) trading
C) machete
D) bargain
  • 2. The _________ship brought silk from China to sell in France.
A) trading
B) pulp
C) harvest
D) machete
  • 3. In the fall, we ___________ apples
A) schooner
B) support
C) trading
D) harvest
  • 4. Billy had to use a ___________ to cut the tall grass.
A) bargain
B) support
C) machete
D) schooner
  • 5. My Aunt says the best part of the orange is its ____________.
A) harvest
B) pulp
C) bargain
D) trading
  • 6. Whenever there is a sale, mom tries to find the best ____________.
A) pulp
B) support
C) bargain
D) harvest
  • 7. The farmer staked the plants, as the tomatoes were heavy and the vines could not ______________ them
A) machete
B) bargain
C) support
D) trading
  • 8. What two locations are talked about in the story?
A) Santa Maria and Maine
B) California and Maine
C) Santo Domingo and Maryland
D) Santo Domingo and Maine
  • 9. What happens to the cocoa beans before they dry in the sun?
A) They are put in a bowl of coconut milk.
B) They are put between banana leaves with pulp.
C) They are split open with a machete.
D) They are covered with turtle grass.
  • 10. Why is it necessary to dry the cocoa beans in the sun?
A) Fresh beans give you a toothache.
B) The pulp is poisonous.
C) Fresh beans smell bad.
D) Drying cocoa beans takes out the bitterness.
  • 11. In this story, Mama steams conchs and picks out the meat. Conchs are a kind of _______.
A) pan
B) shellfish
C) rock
D) bird
  • 12. The island people trade for what they need by using all the following except_______.
A) coconuts
B) ice
C) bananas
D) cocoa beans
  • 13. Why is it important to be the first person to see a schooner come into the bay?
A) The first people to reach a ship have a chance of trading for what they want.
B) when the ship gets crowded with people, there is a lot of pushing and shoving.
C) Captains get angry if many people want to trade.
D) Captains trade only with the first few people to arrive.
  • 14. What must Jacob have traded to get the seashell on the mantel shelf?
A) ice
B) hay
C) the balsam bag
D) hay pictures of Maine
  • 15. Papa and Uncle Jacob worry when it snows on the river because _____.
A) horses can't walk on snow
B) snow keeps the river from freezing
C) then it is too cold to cut ice
D) then they can't walk on the river
  • 16. The first step in harvesting the ice is _______.
A) floating ice on the water.
B) making grooves in the ice
C) lifting blocks of ice
D) cutting through the ice to the water
  • 17. Sailors cover the ice on schooners with sawdust and hay to ______.
A) make it easier to load the ice
B) keep the ice from moving
C) keep the ice from melting
D) keep the ice clean
  • 18. How are the girl in Santo Domingo and the girl in Maine alike?
A) Both like chocolate.
B) Both drink coconut milk
C) Both swim in a river
D) Both climb trees.
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