The Giver 1
__1. AdherenceA. a perfect and happy community
__2. ApprehensiveB. perplex, bewilder, puzzle
__3. ChastiseC. appeal to the curiosity
__4. ChortledD. steady, support, allegiance
__5. DistraughtE. unexpected
__6. IntriguedF. obvious, evident, tangible
__7. IronicG. uneasy about what may happen
__8. MystifiedH. upset
__9. PalpableI. to discipline, criticize
__10. UtopiaJ. to chuckle gleefully
__11. AcquisitionA. to give up, to surrender
__12. AnguishB. enthusiastic; lavishly abundant
__13. BenignC. violation of the law, disobedience
__14. ExuberantD. to delay the impending punishment or sentence
__15. IntegralE. reputation or influence arising from success
__16. PrestigeF. gaining possession
__17. RelinquishG. excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain
__18. ReprieveH. necessary to the completeness of the whole
__19. ScrupulouslyI. having or showing a strict regard for what one considers rig
__20. TransgressionJ. showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness
__21. DeftlyA. skillful; clever
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