ADV Properties
  • 1. (2x3)x6=2x(3x6)
A) Associative Property of Multiplication
B) Commutative Property of Multiplication
C) Distributive Property
D) Identity Property of Multiplication
  • 2. 6 x 1 = 6
A) Identity Property of Addition
B) Commutative Property of Multiplication
C) Associative Property of Multiplication
D) Identity Property of Multiplication
  • 3. 6x(2+3)=6x(3+2)
A) Commutative Property of Addition
B) Distributive Property
C) Associative Property of Addition
D) Commutative Property of Multiplication
  • 4. 4(3+7)=4(3)+4(7)
A) Associative Property of Addition
B) Distributive Property
C) Associative Property of Multiplication
D) Commutative Property of Addition
  • 5. (8+9)+1=8+(9+1)
A) Associative Property of Addition
B) Multiplicative Property of Zero
C) Commutative Property of Addition
D) Identity Property of Addition
  • 6. 8 + 0 = 8
A) Multiplicative Property of Zero
B) Commutative Property of Addition
C) Identity Property of Multiplication
D) Identity Property of Addition
  • 7. 2 + 7 = 7 + 2
A) Commutative Property of Addition
B) Associative Property of Addition
C) Distributive Property
D) Identity Property of Addition
  • 8. (5x4)+(7x8)=(5x4)+(8x7)
A) Distributive Property
B) Commutative Property of Multiplication
C) Associative Property of Addition
D) Commutative Property of Addition
  • 9. 17 x 0 = 0
A) Identity Property of Addition
B) Multiplicative Property of Zero
C) Commutative Property of Multiplication
D) Identity Property of Multiplication
  • 10. 0 x 8 = 8 x 0
A) Identity Property of Multiplication
B) Commutative Property of Addition
C) Multiplicative Property of Zero
D) Commutative Property of Multiplication
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