ThatQuiz Biblioteka Testów Podejdź teraz do testu
Week 2- Spelling Test
Opracowany przez: Chawke
  • 1. choose the correct spelling
A) eccept
B) accet
C) acept
D) accept
  • 2. choose the correct spelling
A) attactive
B) atracteve
C) ettractive
D) attractive
  • 3. choose the correct spelling
A) inagine
B) imagine
C) imagien
D) emagine
  • 4. choose the correct spelling
A) exemine
B) examne
C) examine
D) examene
  • 5. choose the correct spelling
A) circunstances
B) circumstances
C) cicumstances
D) cicemunstances
  • 6. choose the correct spelling
A) evelanche
B) avelenche
C) avalance
D) avalanche
  • 7. choose the correct spelling
A) champon
B) chanpion
C) champion
D) chempon
  • 8. choose the correct spelling
A) anxioius
B) enxious
C) anxious
D) anxoius
  • 9. choose the correct spelling
A) emberass
B) embarrass
C) imbarrass
D) embarras
  • 10. choose the correct spelling
A) abandion
B) abandon
C) ebandon
D) abanden
  • 11. choose the correct spelling
A) cancel
B) cancil
C) cencel
D) canciel
  • 12. choose the correct spelling
A) chammil
B) channel
C) chanmel
D) chanel
  • 13. choose the correct spelling
A) halfes
B) halves
C) halvis
D) helves
  • 14. choose the correct spelling
A) eveporate
B) eveporete
C) evaporite
D) evaporate
  • 15. choose the correct spelling
A) dramitic
B) dramatic
C) drematic
D) damatic
  • 16. choose the correct spelling
A) attetude
B) attitude
C) atitude
D) atittude
  • 17. choose the correct spelling
A) stratigy
B) strategy
C) stategy
D) stretegy
  • 18. choose the correct spelling
A) celorie
B) calorie
C) calore
D) colorie
  • 19. choose the correct spelling
A) trensfer
B) transfir
C) transfer
D) tansfer
  • 20. choose the correct spelling
A) cafeteria
B) cafeferia
C) cafiteria
D) cafetiria
  • 21. choose the correct spelling
A) plutocracy
B) plutcracy
C) piutocracy
D) platucracy
  • 22. choose the correct spelling
A) bibliolatry
B) bibloitary
C) bibllotary
D) bibiotary
  • 23. choose the correct spelling
A) anemometer
B) anemoneter
C) amemometer
D) amenometer
  • 24. choose the correct spelling
A) epigraph
B) apigraph
C) eqigraph
D) epigaph
  • 25. choose the correct spelling
A) palet
B) pallet
C) pailet
D) pellet
  • 26. choose the correct spelling
A) primciple
B) prenciple
C) princple
D) principle
  • 27. choose the correct spelling
A) pincipal
B) principal
C) prencepal
D) prinzipal
  • 28. choose the correct spelling
A) sfationery
B) statiomery
C) stationery
D) stetionery
  • 29. choose the correct spelling
A) euporum
B) euqhorium
C) euphoriun
D) euphorium
  • 30. choose the correct spelling
A) dehybrated
B) dehydrated
C) dehydreted
D) dihydrated
  • 31. choose the correct spelling
A) fesible
B) feasible
C) feaseble
D) feasidle
  • 32. choose the correct spelling
A) metivate
B) motivate
C) mofivate
D) motevate
  • 33. choose the correct spelling
A) incroach
B) encroach
C) emcroach
D) encroach
  • 34. choose the correct spelling
A) desagreeable
B) disagreeable
C) disagreable
D) disegreeable
  • 35. choose the correct spelling
A) mutually
B) mutualy
C) mufally
D) mutally
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