Modal Auxiliaries 2: Cummulative Test
  • 1. The boys have been playing video games all afternoon. They _____ love those games.
A) must
B) may
  • 2. I wonder how many people will come to our party this weekend. We _____ have twenty or thirty guests.
A) may
B) must
  • 3. My dog is standing by its food dish, but it _____ be hungry. I just fed it ten minutes ago.
A) musn´t
B) couldn´t
  • 4. I don´t know what my husband is getting me for by birthday. It _____ be jewelry or perfume.
A) may
B) must
  • 5. The weather _____ be very good for a picnic this weekend. The forecast is predicting rain.
A) must not
B) might not
  • 6. Movies about the American Wild West _____ be popular in other countries. I am not sure.
A) must
B) might
  • 7. Natasha is in really good shape and has muscular arms. She _____ exercise regularly.
A) might
B) must
  • 8. Mick _____ like potato salad. He did not eat any potato salad at the picnic.
A) might not
B) must not
  • 9. I am not sure where Julia went. She _____ be doing her laundry, or she ____ be studying at the library.
A) could, might
B) must, may
  • 10. Jamie has fever, a sore ear, shaking hands, watering nose and sad eyes. She _____ sick.
A) might be
B) could be
C) must be
D) may be
  • 11. Julie got a 100 on the quiz. That is impossible! She _____ 100% because she did not study.
A) might not have gotten
B) couldn´t have gotten
C) must not have gotten
  • 12. I wonder where Rodrigo is, he is not usually late. He _____ a late appointment today.
A) may have
B) might have
C) could have
D) must have
  • 13. Caroline and Tom looked really tired this morning. They said there was a lot of noise outside their apartment last night due to an accident. They _____ well.
A) might not have slept
B) may not sleep well
C) must have not slept
D) could not have slept
  • 14. I am not sure of what happened, but Uncle Seth´s car has a big scratch on the hood and one headlight is broken. He _____ a tree or something.
A) must have hit
B) could have hitted
C) must have hitted
D) would have hit
  • 15. Mia told me that she and her boyfriend had broken up. She _____ very upset about it though because she
A) is not be
B) must not be
C) might not be
D) will not be
  • 16. Both the University of Wisconsin and Rutgers University have offered Sam scholarships for next year. He CAN attend either one.
A) CAN represents an acquired skill
B) CAN represents possibility
C) CAN represents permission
D) CAN represents a physical ability
  • 17. You CAN buy delicious fresh bread at the Great Harvest Bakery on Willow Street.
A) CAN represents a physical ability
B) CAN represents possibility
C) CAN represens permission
D) CAN represents an acquired skill
  • 18. I COULDN´T do my algebra homework because I din´t understand it.
A) COULDN´T represents a physical ability
B) COULDN´T represents possibility
C) COULDN´T represents permission
D) COULDN´T represents an acquired skill
  • 19. You COULD wear the pink dress for prom, or any other you would like.
A) COULD represents possibility
B) COULD represents an acquired skill
C) COULD represents permission
D) COULD represents physical ability
  • 20. Students, you CAN begin the exam now
A) CAN represents acquired skill
B) CAN represents physical ability
C) CAN represents possibility
D) CAN represents permission
  • 21. Last semester Jake WOULD BE LATE for class every morning because he had a job on the night shift.
A) WOULD BE LATE represents repeated action in the present
B) WOULD BE LATE represents no action whatsoever
C) WOULD BE LATE means repeated action in the future
D) WOULD BE LATE means repeated action in the past
  • 22. My mother USED TO WORK in her garden every day until she developed arthritis in her knees.
A) USED TO WORK means repeated action in the past
B) USED TO WORK means no action whatsoever
C) USED TO WORK means repeated action in the future
D) USED TO WORK means repeated action in the present
  • 23. I regret I went out last night because I crashed my dad´s car. I _____
A) I would have stayed
B) I could have stayed
C) I have stayed
D) would rather have stayed
  • 24. I ___ dinner tonight, Let´s go out!
A) wouldn´t rather cook
B) cooked not
C) rather don´t cook
D) would rather not cook
  • 25. My grandfather likes fruit trees in their garden, but my grandmother _____ plant roses and lillies.
A) choose rather
B) can rather
C) is rather
D) could rather
E) would rather
  • 26. That´s the third time this week I´ve seen you looking in the job section of the newspaper. You ____ for a new job!
A) are to be looking
B) must be looking
C) are looking
D) might be looking
E) can be looking
  • 27. Peter has been awfully quiet for more than an hour. What is he doing? "I am not sure, he _____ Nintendo or he _____ a comic book.
A) has to be playing/ must be reading
B) might be playing/could be reading
C) wishes to play/wants to read
D) is to play/is to read
  • 28. I can´t believe it´s really 11:30 p.m. It´s been so nice visiting you but we _____.
A) might go
B) could go
C) can go
D) must go
E) may go
  • 29. I _____ to bed. I have to get up at 4:30 a.m.
A) can go
B) might go
C) must go
D) could go
E) may go
  • 30. My house is a mess and I have guests coming tomorrow. I _____ now but I don´t feel like it. I´ll clean later.
A) could be cleaning
B) could clean
C) must be cleaning
D) might be cleaning
E) may clean
  • 31. Margaret looks upset and her eyes are red. She _____
A) might be crying
B) is crying
C) must be crying
D) could be crying
  • 32. Jonathan looked really sleepy when he came to the door. I am not sure, but he _____ a nap when I arrived.
A) is taking
B) have been napping
C) might have been taking
D) must have been taking
  • 33. A: -"Do we turn right or left at the corner?" B: -"I don´t know, I _____ more carefully when Lawrence gave us directions to his house
A) will have listened
B) might have listened
C) should have listened
D) could have listened
E) cannot listen
  • 34. I don´t know where Caleb is. He _____ his car or maybe he´s gone shopping.
A) may be washing
B) must be washing
C) could wash
  • 35. We ____ more disciplined for now our teacher is very upset.
A) might been
B) could being
C) should have been
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