Migration to the Americas
  • 1. What key development led to the rise of civilizations in the Americas?
A) irrigation
B) migration
C) culture
D) agriculture
  • 2. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for a civilization?
A) cities along the coast of an ocean
B) cities that are a center of trade.
C) specialized jobs for different people
D) organized forms of government and religion
  • 3. How did religious practices and art spread through the early Americas?
A) potlatch
B) agriculture
C) trade
  • 4. What key factor helped the Aztecs become a strong empire?
A) They conquered their neighbors
B) They were experienced hunters
C) They worshiped the sun
D) They had a complex society
  • 5. How did the geographic knowledge Christopher Columbus brought back to Spain change European views of the world?
A) He found continents previously unknown to Europe.
B) He discovered the Earth was flat
C) He found a shorter route to Asia
D) He found the Atlantic Ocean to be wider than the Pacific.
  • 6. What was the name of the land bridge between Asia and the Americas?
A) Bering Strait
B) Beringia
C) Alaska Path
D) La Venta
  • 7. To " "domesticate" " is to move from one place to another.
A) False
B) True
  • 8. A " "culture" " is a way of life shared by people with similar arts, beliefs, and customs.
A) False
B) True
  • 9. When the Pueblo built irrigation systems to allow farming, they were using " "technology" " to change their environment.
A) True
B) False
  • 10. When he reached the Americas, Columbus called the people he met "Indians" because
A) the word "Indians" in Italian means "islanders."
B) he thought he was in some Asian islands called the Indies.
C) that is what the people called themselves.
D) he thought he had reached India.
  • 11. About what time period did the Anasazi live in the southwest?
A) beginning about 100 A.D.
B) beginning about 1400 A.D.
C) beginning about 250 B.C.
D) beginning about 800 A.D.
  • 12. What does the system of irrigation tell us about early American societies?
A) They grew many crops for religious ceremonies.
B) These techniques were essential to trade.
C) They used technology to adapt to their environments.
D) Women did most of the farming.
  • 13. A natural resource is
A) things that people do not use
B) things found in nature that people can use
C) things in nature that are not useable
D) things that people make
  • 14. Which of the following is NOT a fossil fuel
A) plastic
B) coal
C) water
D) gas
  • 15. If the world continues to be polluted,
A) the environment will start to die and people will get sick
B) life on this planet will be healthier and people will live longer
C) we will live very rich and clean lives
D) the animals will grow and eat all humans
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