• 1. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. George enjoys his couch __________ spends a lot of time there. couch (n.) – sofa
A) yet
B) but
C) nor
D) so
E) and
  • 2. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. He likes to read on the couch ________________ Jeanne likes to read in her rocking chair.
A) but
B) nor
C) yet
D) so
E) , and
  • 3. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. George enjoys an evening of reading,___________ .
A) yet
B) but
C) so
D) and so does she / and she does too
E) nor
  • 4. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. ____________ like peace and quiet.
A) and so does she / and she does too
B) but
C) Both George and Jeanne
D) yet
E) so
  • 5. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. George needs to exercise ____________________ he has a bad knee. Jeanne has a bad knee _________ she exercises daily.
A) and // so
B) so // yet
C) nor // and
D) but // but still
E) yet // but
  • 6. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. George takes several walks to the refrigerator ___________ it hurts his knee.
A) yet // but
B) and // so
C) even though
D) but // but still
E) so // yet
  • 7. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. Jeanne prefers to swim __________ it is better for her knee.
A) even
B) though
C) so
D) but
E) because
  • 8. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. George doesn't get much exercise. _____________ he is gaining weight.
A) yet // but
B) and // so
C) but // but still
D) Consequently, / So, (informal)
E) so // yet
  • 9. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. He is getting _________ heavy ___________.
A) so // that his clothes do not fit.
B) but // but still
C) so // yet
D) Consequently, / So, (informal)
E) nor // and
  • 10. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. Jeanne bought him new swim trunks __________ he can go swimming with her.
A) because
B) though
C) even
D) so that
E) even though
  • 11. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. He said that he disliked swimming. However, he enjoyed swimming __________ Jeanne was also swimming.
A) even
B) still
C) though
D) so
E) while
  • 12. Decide which connecter can be used in the sentence. Now, he is exercising more and __________ less.
A) is eating
B) because
C) though
D) still
E) even
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