Place Value of Decimals- 5/6
  • 1. Which shows 1546.978 in word form
A) one thousand five hundred and forty six and nine hundred seventy eight thousandths
B) one thousand five hundred forty-six and nine hundred seventy eight thousandths
C) one thousand five forty six and nine hundred seventy eight
D) one thousand five hundred forty-six and nine hundred and seventy eight
E) One thousandths five hundred fourty six and nine hundred seventy eight thousandths
  • 2. Which shows the correct expanded form for 90.0098
A) 90+.009+.0008
B) 9+0+.009+.0008
C) 90+.9+.08
D) 90+.9+.8
E) 9+0+.09+.08
  • 3. Which digit is in the millionth place in 5869.987186479543
A) 4
B) 1
C) 9
D) 3
E) 6
  • 4. Which number is read as five hundred and twelve thousandths
A) 500.0012
B) 5.12
C) 512
D) .5120
E) 512000
  • 5. Which number is greater than 153.235
A) 1.53235
B) 153.295
C) 15.3235
D) .153235
E) 152.235
  • 6. Which number is greater than 12.234566
A) .123456
B) 1.23456
C) 12.50
D) 12.00098
E) 12.0987654
  • 7. Which illustrates the correct word form of 165.00098
A) one hundred and sixty five and ninety eight thousandths
B) one hundred sixty-five and ninety-eight hundred thousandths
C) one hundred sixty five and ninety eight thousandths
D) one hundred sixty five and ninety eight
E) one hundred sixty five and ninety eight millionths
  • 8. Which digit is in the hundred thousandths place in 123406.98765420
A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 9
E) 1
  • 9. Which illustrates the expanded form of 102.05078
A) 100+2+.5+.07+.08
B) 10+2+.05+.007+.008
C) 102+.05+.0007+.00008
D) 10+2+.05+.07+.08
E) 100+2+.05+.0007+.00008
  • 10. Which digit is in the thousandths place in the following number: 2345.098765
A) 5
B) 7
C) 9
D) 0
E) 8
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