spellings 2011 1 - 15
  • 1. Find the correct spelling?
A) reccord
B) reckord
C) record
D) recored
E) rekord
  • 2. Find the correct spelling?
A) severail
B) severel
C) several
D) sevrall
E) savarall
  • 3. Find the correct spelling?
A) castemors
B) custemors
C) customers
D) custemars
E) custermors
  • 4. Find the correct spelling?
A) opinion
B) opion
C) opinune
D) opinium
E) opinium
  • 5. Find the correct spelling?
A) tempoary
B) tempoury
C) temporary
D) temporory
E) temporery
  • 6. Find the correct spelling?
A) cerculated
B) cercualated
C) circulated
D) carulated
E) cirleated
  • 7. Find the correct spelling?
A) angryly
B) angraly
C) angrily
D) angenly
E) angreily
  • 8. Find the correct spelling?
A) apparoached
B) approched
C) approuched
D) approached
E) approched
  • 9. Find the correct spelling?
A) cariear
B) cereer
C) carrear
D) career
E) careor
  • 10. Find the correct spelling?
A) gideance
B) guidance
C) giadance
D) gidence
E) gidence
  • 11. Find the correct spelling?
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