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Reading Daily Review #4
Contribuição de: Rogers
  • 1. In story #3, which of the following animals was not mentioned as being in the race?
A) wolf
B) eagle
C) beaver
D) turtle
  • 2. What was used to signal the start of the race in story #3?
A) a drum
B) a bell
C) a whistle
D) a song
  • 3. In story #2, what was the beggar looking for when he found the purse?
A) food
B) shelter
C) gold
D) water
  • 4. What is the type of genre for selection #3?
A) legend
B) fable
C) fairy tale
D) myth
  • 5. Which genre has the characteristics of being set in ancient times, fictional but once believed to be true, characters are gods, goddesses, or superhuman people?
A) myth
B) biography
C) legend
D) folktale
  • 6. Which of the following qualities would BEST describe the beggar in story #2?
A) honest
B) sneaky
C) shy
D) rude
  • 7. In selection #1, what does the word "immortal" mean?
A) to live forever
B) to die
C) to be famous
D) to be rich
  • 8. In story #2, why did the merchant refuse to give the beggar the reward?
A) He said the beggar had stolen the coins from his purse.
B) The merchant didn't have any gold left.
C) He claimed that he had already paid the beggar.
D) He said that he never mentioned giving a reward.
  • 9. In story #3, since they needed to decide who would eat whom, what took place?
A) a roller coaster ride
B) a singing contest
C) a running race
D) a dance competition
  • 10. In story #1, why did the god Apollo guide the poison arrow to the heel of Achilles?
A) His heel was the easiest part of his body to hit.
B) His heel was the only part of his body that was unprotected.
C) His heel was very small.
D) His heel was the softest part of his body.
  • 11. In story #2, what does "handsome reward" mean?
A) a large sum of money
B) a small gift of appreciation
C) a good-looking prize
D) an honest service to someone
  • 12. Which of the following words has a prefix?
A) cannot
B) unusual
C) happily
D) protected
  • 13. In the third selection, who led the race until the very end?
A) Achilles
B) Bull Snake
C) Neika
D) Hiawatha
  • 14. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? "They flew past Neika with a great whoosh to win the race."
A) simile
B) metaphor
C) onomotopoeia
D) alliteration
  • 15. Today, what does an "Achilles' heel," mean for a person?
A) an achievement or successful goal met
B) a conflict between two groups of people
C) an incredible strength or ability for an individual
D) someone's greatest weakness
  • 16. Which of these if the best summary of Story #3?
A) Animals love to race.
B) A race was run to see who was the prettiest and most colorful animal.
C) Then animals and the people raced to decide who would leave the land.
D) Animals ran a race that determined the fate of the buffalo.
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