Chemistry 2 Quiz-Retake
1.  How many neutrons are in the element Silver?
a.  47
b.  60
d.  107
c.  61
b.  Number of Protons
a.  Number of Electrons
c.  Number of Protons and Electrons
d.  Number of Protons and Neutrons
2.  What does the Atomic Mass Number represent?
3.  How many ELEMENTS in Citric Acid: C6H8O?
a.  1
b.  3
c.  21
d.  336
3.  How many ATOMS in Citric Acid: C6H8O?
a.  1
b.  3
d.  336
c.  21
5.  How many TOTAL HYDROGEN atoms in the 
Photosynthesis Equation?
a.  2
b.  14
d.  144
c.  24
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