QC Adding and Subtracting Decimals (Multiple Choice)
  • 1. Which set of rules represents the correct "order" for adding and subtracting decimals?
A) 1. Line up the decimal 2. Fill in the missing spaces with zeros 3. Add or Subtract 4. Bring down the decimal
B) 1. Bring down the decimal 2. Line up the decimal 3. Add or Subtract 4. Fill in the missing spaces with zeros
C) 1. Fill in the missing spaces with zeros 2. Add or Subtract 3. Bring down the decimal 4. Line up the decimal
D) 1. Add or Subtract 2. Bring down the decimal 3. Fill in the missing spaces with zeros 4. Line up the decimal
  • 2. Find the sum of 148.093 + 5.675 =
A) 152.668
B) 153.768
C) 152.768
D) 153.668
  • 3. Find the sum of 24.318 + 17.381
A) 31.669
B) 40.669
C) 41.699
D) 42.699
  • 4. Subtract 1.365 from 1.683
A) 0.328
B) 0.318
C) 1.318
D) .228
  • 5. Find the difference: 8.003 - 8.0
A) 0.003
B) 0.013
C) 0.004
D) 0.002
  • 6. Calculate: 2.358 + 8.147
A) 10.505
B) 10.595
C) 11.405
D) 10.405
  • 7. Calculate: 5.042 + 3.15
A) 8.102
B) 9.192
C) 8.292
D) 8.192
  • 8. Calculate: 1.463 + 0.54
A) 1.003
B) 2.003
C) 2.213
D) 2.013
  • 9. Calculate: 0.328 subtract 0.001
A) 0.327
B) 0.228
C) 0.337
D) 0.227
  • 10. Calculate: 7.566 - 6.755
A) 0.811
B) 0.711
C) 0.721
D) 0.911
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