Addition Equations (with Integers)
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
x + 9 = -6
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
y + 8 = -4
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
y + 6 = 1
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
y + 2 = 0
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
y + 8 = -5
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
y + 6 = 2
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
x + 5 = 4
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
x + 2 = -3
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
x + 8 = -8
Use inverse operations to solve.
Use / for division and * for multiplication.
x + 8 = 4
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