Equations of Horizontal and Vertical Lines
Is the graph of this equation a horizontal orvertical line?
Vertical Line
Horizonal Line
y = -2
What is the equation of this line?
Example Answers:

y=-2, y=8, x=-5...
What is the equation of this line?
Example Answers:

y=-2, y=8, x=-5...
Is the graph of this equation a horizontal orvertical line?
Vertical Line
Horizonal Line
x = 10
Is the graph of this equation a horizontal orvertical line?
Vertical Line
Horizonal Line
y = -10
What is the equation of this line?
Example Answers:

y=-2, y=8, x=-5...
What is the equation of this line?
Example Answers:

y=-2, y=8, x=-5...
Is the graph of this equation a horizontal orvertical line?
Vertical Line
Horizonal Line
x = -1
What is the equation of this line?
Example Answers:

y=-2, y=8, x=-5...
What is the equation of this line?
Example Answers:

y=-2, y=8, x=-5...
Is the graph of this equation a horizontal orvertical line?
Vertical Line
Horizonal Line
y = 60
Is the graph of this equation a horizontal orvertical line?
Vertical Line
Horizonal Line
y = 80
Is the graph of this equation a horizontal orvertical line?
Vertical Line
Horizonal Line
x = -9
What is the equation of this line?
Example Answers:

y=-2, y=8, x=-5...
What is the equation of this line?
Example Answers:

y=-2, y=8, x=-5...
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