Muscle Fitness Test
  • 1. Gastrocnemius is the proper name for a muscle in the ____.
A) Thigh
B) Chest
C) Calf
D) Back
  • 2. What muscle on the shoulder helps you lift your arm?
A) Bicep
B) Deltoid
C) Trapezius
D) Tricep
  • 3. What is the primary job of the Bicep?
A) Bend the elbow
B) Bend the knee
C) Straighten the elbow
D) Lift the shoulder
  • 4. The large, diamond-shaped muscle of the upper back is the ____.
A) Pectoralis Major
B) Trapezius
C) Deltoid
D) Latissimus Dorsi
  • 5. The quadriceps are made up of how many muscles?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
  • 6. Skeletal muscles are attached to the bones by _________.
A) muscles
B) ligaments
C) tendons
D) joints
  • 7. When you contract a muscle, it _____
A) stretches
B) expands or lengthens
C) tears
D) shortens & tightens
  • 8. The opposing muscle group of the triceps is the ____.
A) biceps
B) deltoid
C) quadriceps
D) latissimus dorsi
  • 9. Pick two muscles - explain where they are and what they do.
  • 10. The large fan shaped muscle across your chest that help you do push ups.
A) Tricep
B) Pectoralis Major
C) Rectus Abdominis
D) Gastrocnemius
  • 11. What is the primary job of the Quadriceps?
A) Help the Gastrocnemius
B) Run
C) Bend the knee
D) Extend the leg
  • 12. The opposing muscle group of the Quadriceps is ...
A) Trapezius
B) Hamstrings
C) Gastrocnemius
D) Triceps
  • 13. When you do crunches, the primary muscle that is helping you is the ...
A) External Oblique
B) Latissimus Dorsi
C) Pectoralis Major
D) Rectus Abdominis
  • 14. The muscle on the back of your upper arm that helps you straighten the elbow.
A) Tricep
B) Trapezius
C) Deltoid
D) Bicep
  • 15. Muscle fibers are more like...
A) Rubber bands
B) Water
C) Sticks
  • 16. These muscles help you twist and bend at the waist.
A) External Obliques
B) Trapezius
C) Latissimus Dorsi
D) Rectus Abdominus
  • 17. The large flat muscles across your middle back that help you pull...
A) Triceps
B) Latissimus Dorsi
C) Deltoid
D) External Oblique
  • 18. The primary job of the Hamstrings is to...
A) bend the knee
B) stretch the leg
C) straighten the leg
  • 19. This muscle helps you stand on your toes.
A) Gluteus Maximus
B) Rectus Abdominis
C) Gastrocnemius
D) Hamstrings
  • 20. How many skeletal muscles are in the body?
A) Under 400
B) 325
C) Over 600
D) 550
  • 21. Name two muscles involved when you do a push up.
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