Forces Shaping the Earth Vocab
__1. ContinentsA. Layer of dense rock surrounding the core.
__2. CoreB. Melted rock that is underground
__3. CrustC. Water,ice, chemicals, and even plants break rocks apart.
__4. EarthquakesD. A thin rocky shell that form the surface of the Earth.
__5. ErosionE. Theory of why the continents were formed and why they move.
__6. FaultsF. Sudden and violent movements of the Earth's crust.
__7. MagmaG. Seven large land areas
__8. MantleH. Center of the Earth, hot iron mixed with rocks and metals
__9. Plate TectonicsI. Cracks in the Earth's crust
__10. WeatheringJ. Weathering breaking rocks into smaller pieces is called?
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