Valley of the Moon
  • 1. Which word mean the OPPOSITE of "detested"?
A) wrinkled
B) enjoyed
C) hated
D) quizzed
  • 2. Which word means almost the SAME as "depicts"?
A) shows
B) mentions
C) notices
D) discusses
  • 3. What does the word "discarded" mean?
A) mixed together
B) thrown away
C) saved for later
D) sent in the mail
  • 4. What does the word "ignored" mean?
A) not paid attention on purpose
B) made something from scratch
C) stayed informed at all times
D) participated in something
  • 5. Which word means almost the SAME as "refuge"?
A) protection
B) freedom
C) sadness
D) company
  • 6. Which word means almost the SAME as "treacherous"?
A) educational
B) wonderful
C) dangerous
D) safe
  • 7. Which word mean the OPPOSITE of "eldest"?
A) oldest
B) youngest
C) skinniest
D) tallest
  • 8. What does the word "obedience" mean?
A) having something that needs to be done
B) telling someone how to do something
C) needing help from someone
D) doing something as told
  • 9. Where does the story take place?
A) in Missouri
B) on a ranch in California
C) at a mission in Mexico
D) in Texas
  • 10. How did Maria Rosalia learn to read and write?
A) She listened to Padre Ygnacio as he taught the boys at the mission
B) Senor Medina sent all the ranch children to school to be taught
C) Senor Johnston taught her
D) Ramona taught her at night
  • 11. How did Maria Rosalia and Domingo come to live at the mission?
A) The ranch is their family home
B) Padre Ygnacio lives on the ranch
C) They became servants at the ranch
D) It is where they were born
  • 12. How did Maria Rosalia get her diary?
A) Miguela threw is away and Maria Rosalia took it
B) It was a present from Padre Ygnacio
C) It was her mother's
D) Senor Johnston gave it to her as thanks for her help
  • 13. What did Senor Johnston do when he discovered Maria Rosalia writing in her diary?
A) He told Senor Medina that she could read and write
B) He decided to help her get more education
C) He had her arrested
D) He gave her quill pens and ink
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