The Changing Earth
  • 1. __________________is the changing of the Earth's surface.
A) Glaciers
B) Weathering
C) Erosion
D) Lakes
  • 2. ________ is the carrying away of materials from one place to another.
A) Weathering
B) Sun
C) Glaciers
D) Erosion
  • 3. How many years ago did glaciers cover Michigan?
A) ten
B) hundreds
C) two
D) thousands
  • 4. Which one of the following items would not cause erosion?
A) water
B) gravity
C) wind
D) animals
  • 5. In the info text they mention that glaciers are like _________________, because they scrape and carry rocks to other places.
A) lawnmowers
B) cars
C) tractors
D) bulldozers
  • 6. Sand that is carried by the wind and deposited in a pile is called a ______________________.
A) sand box
B) sand dune
C) sand hill
D) sand pile
  • 7. Weathering can cause a change in the makeup of a rock. This is called a _______________ change.
A) cool
B) physical
C) costly
D) chemical
  • 8. If water seeps into a rock and then freezes it will ___________________.
A) change to color of the rock
B) break the rock
C) cool off the rock
D) help the rock grow
  • 9. The dunes in northwest Michigan will mostly caused by __________________.
A) wind erosion
B) glaciers
C) water erosion
D) volcanoes.
  • 10. What can cause the Michigan sandy shoreline to change?
A) wind and water
B) glaciers and animals
C) huricanes and volcanoes
D) heat and sun
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