F2 - Week #2 - Unit #2
1. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
y - 3 = -x + 2
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
2. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
y = x + 14
3. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
x = 6y – 12
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
2x – 2y – 4 = 2y – x + 8
4. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
5. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
y = x2 – 2
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
6. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
-y = -x – 6
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
7. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
y = x3 + x
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
8. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
y = x + -90x2
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
9. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
y = x
10. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
x = 2y - 3x2
10. Is the relationship linear or not linear?
a linear relationship
NOT a linear relationship
y = 24
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