Lewis and Clark Expedition Vocabulary Test
__1. buffaloA. a member of any of the native peoples
__2. expeditionB. rich, lush grasslands of the Great Plains
__3. explorerC. American explorers and leaders of the Corps of Discovery
__4. journalsD. books containing notes, information, and written records
__5. Lewis and ClarkE. wild cattle that populated the plains until the 19th century
__6. Louisiana PurchaseF. area purchased from France that expanded the U.S.
__7. Native AmericanG. 3rd president of the U.S.
__8. prairiesH. a journey or trip undertaken for a specific purpose
__9. SacagaweaI. Shoshone Native American guide for Lewis and Clark
__10. Thomas JeffersonJ. a person who travels in search of new information
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