2nd grade Unit 3 Phonics Week 5
  • 1. Type the long u word in the picture.
  • 2. Type the long u word in the picture.
  • 3. Type the long u word in the picture.
  • 4. Type the long u word in the picture.
  • 5. Type the long u word in the picture.
  • 6. Type the long e word in the picture.
  • 7. Type the long e word in the picture.
  • 8. Can I ________ to your house after school today.
A) cume
B) come
C) com
  • 9. I am going to _______ my mom flowers on her birthday.
A) giv
B) give
C) gif
  • 10. As soon as I got to class I _________ to do my work.
A) bejin
B) beegan
C) began
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